Chapter 31-40

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* Medical Wing of the Stadium *

Kankuro was up and about and was sitting at his sister's bed who was still unconcious. Kankuro was irritated that he lost so easily to Shino, but also felt a little pride knowing that he crippled him in the end. Though he couldn't escape the true horror of what his father was going to do to him once they returned to Suna.

Lee was awake and moving. Kana had hit his chakra points to allow them to flow like regularly and also put some of their clans herbal medicine on his cuts, then left the rest to the medics who were there. Lee looked to his right and saw that his teammate was laying down in his own bed next to his.

Neji was also awake and felt like he was on top of the world, but his body said different. During his battle against Naruto and Lee he felt so alive and stronger while fighting against them. The medics were healing him as fast as they could. Neji turned to his mother and said, "I feel like I've gotten much stronger from that fight."

Kana smiled and said to him, "Hiashi's very proud of you." Neji's headband was off and next to his bed on a little desk. Neji reached over to get it and Lee looked at him and said, "Neji?"

Neji stopped and looked at his teammate, "Neji, not to be rude, but I thought those who were born into the branch family of the Hyuga clan had a seal placed on them."

Neji wasn't surprised that Lee knew about that. Most people in the village knew about the sealing method the clan uses on those not born into the main branch, however the day the seal was to be placed on him, Hiashi had ordered it not to be done. The elders were shocked and demanded a reason for his order. Hiashi merely stated that his nephew was important to him and that he'd be damned if he let his only nephew be placed with the seal. After that day Hiashi had began to try and restrict the use of the seal, though some still had it placed on them Hiashi began using his diplomatic side to have the two branches merged to one.

When Neji was about eleven, two elders were about to place the seal on him, but Naruto had barged his way into the sealing room and forcefully took Neji out of the room and quickly got to Hiashi to alert him what happened. Hiashi was furious and though he couldn't have the elders punished he stripped them of their ranks as the clan elders and had them live as ordinary civilians within the clan. After that day the remaining elders dared not lay a hand on Neji.

Neji smiled and told Lee, "Well, let's just say my family saw to it that the seal would never be put on me." Lee understood that this was as far as he should ask and decided to leave it at that. He looked to his left and saw that Shino was sitting up getting examined by a nurse and a fellow Aburame member who had a large hive of antidote bugs course through his body to completely destroy the poison.

Shino said to Neji, "Naruto seems to be the one changing everyone for the better huh?" Neji was smiling and said, "Yeah, almost everyone." Neji, Lee, and Shino looked to the other side of the room where Tsunade and Shizune were with Fugaku.

Sasuke was laying on a bed unconcious breathing heavily with bandages on his right arm and leg as well as bandages going around his stomach. Tsunade sighed and looked to Fugaku and said, "Sasuke's arm and leg can be healed. Though it will take some extensive and painful surgeries."

Fugaku said with little emotion, "Then when can we begin?" Shizune stepped in, "It's more complicated than that Fugaku-sama." Fugaku looked at her then to Tsunade.

Tsunade continued by saying, "Sasuke will have control over his right arm again, but I'm afraid he will never be a ninja again..." Fugaku gave her a stern look and said, "Explain."

Tsunade was not intimidated by this and said, "When Gaara used his sand attack on Sasuke, he not only damaged the nerves in his arm and leg... Gaara did extensive damage to Sasuke's spine at it's base causing complete paralysis to his lower half. If I do surgery on his spine, the chances of succession are extremely slim. Estimated there is at least a 97% this will not change the outcome. As for the remaining 3% that does work, he still won't be a ninja. His motor skills are done, he'll have momentary leg movement, but at the same time he'll be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life." Tsunade stopped and allowed Fugaku to take this all in.

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