Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51: The Price

* Tobi vs Itachi *

The back and forth battle between the two Uchihas was a vicious battle indeed. Itachi however was taking the more brutal attacks from Tobi, the seemingly carefree, talkative, and extremely hyperactive ninja proved that he can be as deadly as the next ninja if he was forced to. Most of Itachi's ANBU armor was blown away showing off the right half of his chest. Itachi had bruises all over his body and a cut below his left eye. Tobi though was not without some kind of injury, his scarf was gone, his left pant leg was burned off, cut marks over the upper half of his outfit, and a crack on his mask. Itachi ran at Tobi with his black sword drawn lashing out at Tobi.

Tobi red his movements and avoided every swing Itachi made at him. Tobi did a series of summersaults away from the clan head doing some handsigns shouting, "Lightning Style:" He holds his arms out horizontally, "Streak Slash!" He made slashing motions with his arms at Itachi making lighting blades that launched at Itachi.

Itachi stabs his sword in the ground and he did a few handsigns smirking before shouting, "Wind Style: Boreas Gust!" He inhales and exhales a large stream of wind that overpowers the lighting attack reducing it to nothing. Itachi does some more handsigns, but says, "Wind Style: Notus Breeze!" The air shifts around him allowing him to use another one of his student's signature moves. A volley of wind blasts shoot toward Tobi at amazing speeds, though this did not intimidate him at all. Tobi was able to see the chakra flow in the attacks and move around them and dodge them easily. Itachi pulls his sword from the ground then he runs at Tobi with his sword drawn. Tobi reacts quickly and picks up a kunai on the ground and he clashes with Itachi.

The two go head on with each other in a kenjutsu battle. Tobi punches out at Itachi, but he counters by sidestepping to Tobi's left and attempts to knee him in the gut. Tobi lifts his leg up and blocks the knee attack and he then reaches out and grabs Itachi by his throat pushing him back. Itachi gasps for air, but uses this given moment to stab his sword in his right thigh. Tobi feels the blade go into his leg, but he ignores it and he throws Itachi a good distance away from himself.

The masked ninja grabs the blade by the handle and he uses great force and he breaks the blade in a swift motion, grabbing the sharp end of the blade he pulls it out of his leg slowly. Tossing both pieces to the side he rushes Itachi not giving him a moment to rest. Itachi waited for him to get closer, Tobi tried to uppercut Itachi in his jaw, but Itachi caught his fist mid swing and he forced Tobi to step back and he head butted Tobi where the crack was started and it ended up shattering the left side of Tobi's mask. Tobi leapt back to distance himself and he tried to cover his exposed face with his left hand.

Itachi acted quick by doing another jutsu, "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" The pipes from underground base rose out of the ground shooting the water into the air making a water dragon. Itachi focused his chakra making the water dragon charge at Tobi.

The Akatsuki member kept his hand covering his face and he dodged the water jutsu, when the water covered the field he did the necessary handsigns quickly shouting back, "Water Style: Ravaging Mystique!" Droplets of water shot into the air and then began shooting into Itachi's direction at great speeds shooting into the earth with ease. Itachi however began dodging as many as he could, though he could see them coming his body couldn't react quick enough to avoid every one of the attacks. Many of the water like needles began hitting Itachi with brutal force.

Itachi forced himself to continue dodging despite the pain racking his body, refusing to lose here he looked at Tobi in his right eye hole and caught him in a genjutsu. He realized it worked when the jutsu ended and the droplets of water fell to the floor, knowing he'd have a few seconds to strike he took it quickly. Tobi put his hands together and dispelled the genjutsu. Itachi though was quick enough to catch the man off guard and he punched Tobi in his face cracking away his mask even more. Tobi hit the ground and rolled on the floor for a moment and then slowly stood up, but he didn't hide his face this time. Itachi could see the left side of his face, half of his nose, cheek, and forehead, but most of his mask still covered his mouth. Itachi noted scar like markings around his left eye showing possible retinal damage.

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