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Kimiona stood in the dirt. It was dark outside, nearly a week after she had been taken from the cabin. Her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten at all in that time.

Chains on the lower moon's wrists, ankles and neck kept her in place. As more defense, the hashira had their weapons on them at the ready. Not that Kimiona planned on causing any violence anyway.

The tall demon watched the leader of the demon slayers sit down in the half closed room. He smiled.

"Thank you for gathering on such short notice everyone," various voices called out things like, "it's not a problem". He nodded, "I hope you are farmiliar with the situation we are dealing with today."

One angry guy stood up, "master, I cannot understand why you would let such a powerful demon that has murdered many people among our ranks. It is unthinkable to even consider letting it live." Kimiona refrained from saying anything for the time being, understanding that she would have her chance to speak. The master seemed like a just man.

Some of the other hashira voiced their agreement with the angry man.

Another guy, who was crying profusely, spoke up "what a pitiful creature. We must end it's suffering." Kimiona snorted, causing everyone to quiet down.

Soon, the master began talking again. "This demon has formed a human attachment with a boy and his demon sister. Urokodaki claims that she has a presence similar to a mother for the siblings. From the information he has provided, it also seems that this demon respects her kills and honors her word." The hashira mulled this information over.

"Furthermore, having not one, but two demons on our side may be useful in our quest to stopping Muzan. Now, with my reasoning out of the way, let's discuss your thoughts as well as the demon's defense." The hashira nodded in agreement. A girl with pale purple eyes and a butterfly kimono stood up.

"Mast Ubuyashiki, we ought to terminate it. The creature has probably killed hundreds of innocent people already."

She was paused, "sorry to interrupt! We must take into account that if this demon aids us in stopping Muzan, it may save more lives than it has killed. I am not saying it should go unpunished, but we may halt its execution until after we have defeated the demon lord." Most of the hashira seemed to agree with the fiery male.

"But how good is the demon's self control? If it eats unnecessarily because of the corpses, it could cause more problems than it's worth." The angry man said.

A familiar man stood up, he hadn't spoken yet. Kimiona recognized him from the day she met the siblings. "Master, may we test the demon's control?" Kimiona watched the Ubuyashiki nod in agreement.

"Very well." The water hashira stepped forward and sliced his shoulder. "Let go of the demon's chains, see what it does." Kimiona rubbed her wrists, they hurt like hell. She grumbled.

"It is rubbing its wrists." A child explained to Ubuyashiki. Kimiona looked up, noticing that the world had a stronger red haze to it than before.

The tall demon stepped forward towards the water hashira, she listened as the others drew their blades.

"It is approaching Giyu." Kimiona stared into his cold eyes.

"You are friends with Tanjiro and Nezuko?" She asked him, ignoring the gnawing urge to lunge forward and consume flesh. Everyone was uncomfortably quiet. Giyu nodded yes. In response, the lower moon grabbed his wound and applied pressure to it.

Anyone that was friends with the siblings would not be touched by the demon or anyone else. Eventually the bleeding stopped.

Kimiona licked the blood off of her hands and returned to her spot, where the low rank demon slayers held her in place.

"Master, the demon helped Giyu stop the bleeding. Then it licked its hand and returned to its spot." Ubuyashiki nodded.

"Lower moon 4, do you have anything to say?" Kimiona nodded a yes.

She took a moment to think, "I may not understand the pain of it, but I understand that ethically, killing innocent people is not okay to humans. But, I also have to eat. It's Me or them." The tall demon took a moment to fiddle with her hands. "I don't want to starve to death." The grounds were quiet, having just echoed the demon's childish voice.

Sorry this one was fair bit shorter ;-; What do you think so far? Do you like Kimiona? What do you think her demon blood art would be?? 👀👀

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