Prefect Badge.

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Four years later

"Lyanna. Your Hogwarts letter is here." Sarah yells at her daughter.

"I'll be down in a minute." Lyanna yells back. She had just finished dressing for the day. She was wearing a yellow sundress covered with white polka dots. She had her brown hair put into a neat plait. The dress she was wearing complimented her tanned skin which had gotten darker over the hot summer.

Lyanna seemed to transform this summer. Lily had joked that she had finally hit puberty. Gone was her baby fat. She had a slim body with some curves. Her long brown hair had some blonde highlights in it making her hair look shinier. She also lost her baby fat off her face giving her more pronounced check bones and a sharper jaw. She looked like a mini version of her mother. Her mother was known for being beautiful so Lyanna took it as a huge complement when she was told she looked like Sarah.

Lyanna made her way down the stairs of her home. The Harringtons would be described as a middle-class family. They had a comfortable amount of money, but they didn't consider themselves overly wealthy. They lived in a muggle village in a three-story house at the end of a cul-de-sac.

They liked being at the end of the cul-de-sac away from the other muggles as to keep up with the secrecy about the wizarding world. Being a half blood. The Harringtons home had a mixture of magical and muggle items. They had a phone and a television. Lyanna sent owls to her friends over the summer but found it wonderful that she could talk to Lily over the phone pretty much every night. As Lily was a muggleborn she knew how to use a phone. The two had exchanged phone numbers during their first week at Hogwarts.

Lyanna entered the kitchen of her home. She ruffled Louis's hair as she passed him. Her father was drinking a coffee and reading the Daily Prophet. Her mother was making blueberry pancakes which were Lyannas favourite.

Lyanna grabbed her letter off the table.

"This time next year you will be getting your letter bean!" Lyanna says excitedly.

Louis smiles brightly at her. "I know!! I am so excited. It feels like you have been at Hogwarts for ever. I can't wait to finally go."

Lyanna opens her letter and as she does a small badge falls out of it and onto her lap.

Lyannas eyes widen as she looks at the badge. She jumps up and down on the spot.

"I'VE BEEN MADE A PREFECT!!!!!" She exclaims happily.

"Oh, sweetie that's amazing!" Sarah rushes over and hugs her daughter.

"I am so proud of you Ly!" Emiel says as he gets up and gives her a hug and a kiss on her head.

"Thanks guys. Oh, Mum can I call Lily please. I have to tell her." She asks giving her mum puppy dog eyes.

"Okay but don't stay on for hours alright you have dance practice at two." Sarah says.

Lyanna has been taking muggle dance classes since she was three years old. She has always loved performing and used to put on little shows for her family when she was a child.

Lyanna immediately runs up the stairs to ring Lily.

"Oi! What about your pancakes." Emiel shouts as she leaves the room.

"I'll eat later." Lyanna shouts back as she sprints up to her room.


Lyanna punches in Lilys phone number and waits for someone to answer.

"Hello Evans residence Petunia speaking." The voice of Petunia speaks through the phone. Lyanna rolls her eyes. Lily has told Lyanna all about how horrible Petunia has been to her ever since she found out Lily was a witch.

"Is Lily there? It's her friend Lyanna from school." She says.

Lyanna hears Petunia sigh before hearing her shout for Lily.


In a flash Lyanna hears Lilys voice.

"Thanks, Tuney" Lily says sarcastically. "Hi Lyanna! Sorry about Petunia. You know how she is. You won't believe it, but I have been made prefect. I just got my badge today in the post!" Lily says excitedly.

"Oh, Godric Lily that's why I was calling you. I have been made Hufflepuff prefect." She exclaims.

Lyanna hears Lily let out an excited squeal. "Oh, this is amazing we get to be prefects together!" Lily says. The girls talk animatedly with each other for the next half hour before Lyanna has to leave for her dance class.

Before she leaves, she quickly sends letters to Remus and Otis telling them about her achievement.


When Lyanna returns home that evening she sees that Remus and Otis have replied to her.

She opens the one from Otis first.

Dear Annabear,

Oh my Godric congratulations on making Hufflepuff Prefect. I of course knew you would get it you goody two shoes. Maybe now I can hex Danny Lockwood for cheating on me last year with that Slytherin bloke without getting a detention. I know you will look the other way for your dear brother. 😉

But seriously I am so proud of you. Can't wait to see you on Saturday in Diagon Alley.

See you soon

Lots of love


Otisfish xxx

Lyanna smiles fondly at the letter. She then opens her letter from Remus.

Dear Lyanna,

Congratulations on getting your Prefect badge. I made Gryffindor prefect along with Lily. I think I was chosen so that I can keep the lads in line. I have a feeling they will abuse my power though.

Lyanna giggles at this. She has never interacted with the rest of the marauders directly, but she knows all about them and their antics. She has to listen to Lily constantly complain about James Potter who has been trying to woo the girl since first year.

Also thank you so much for the chocolate frogs you have sent. I had just run out and with the full moon soon I definitely need them. I can't wait to see you again. I have got lots of muggle books for us to read and I know you will love them.

See you soon.

Love from


Lyanna finshes reading the letter. Her, Remus and Lily are all prefects. She is absolutely ecstatic. She can't wait for her fifth year of Hogwarts to start.

Little did she know that it would be the year of great change.

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