Helping hand.

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The great hall was filled with the noise of forks scraping on plates and the sounds of chatter from its students.

At the Gryffindor table 3 out of 4 marauders were not so subtly looking around the hall for the pretty Hufflepuff they had met earlier that day.

"You got eyes on her Pads?" James asks as his eyes sweep over the Hufflepuff table for the third time.

"Nothing Prongs." Sirius replies as he looks at the Ravenclaw table. He is practically draped over Peter as he tries to get a better view.

"Would you guys stop?!" Remus asks clearly annoyed.

"Oh oh I see her. She's coming into the hall." Peter exclaims excitedly as all the boys whip there heads around.

Sure enough Lyanna is floating into the hall engaged in a humorous conversation with an older Hufflepuff girl.

They watch her as she takes a seat next to Otis.

"Stop staring at her. It's creepy." Remus whisper yells.

"Come on Moony you have been hiding her from us for years. We want to see what all the fuss is about." Sirius says as he shovels a spoon full of potatoes into his mouth.

"I knew I should have never introduced you guys to her." Remus groans.

"Why not?! We are a delight. Everyone loves us." James says.

"The snakes don't." Peter chirps.

"They don't count Wormy." James responds.

"I think Moony just wants her all to himself. Eh Moons!" Sirius teases.

Remus blushes slightly.

"It isn't like that." Remus argues.

All the boys smirk at him.


Over at the Hufflepuff table Otis notices the sets of eyes looking in Lyanna's direction.

"Why are the marauders watching you like hawks?" Otis questions.

Lyanna looks up to see all four boys looking at her. When they see that they have been spotted they all quickly look away in different directions.

Lyanna chuckles.

"I met them earlier when I was giving Remus his book back. They didn't seem to know I had existed before today." Lyanna replies shrugging as she cuts into her chicken.

"Hmm. I wonder how they didn't hear about you." Otis wonders. Lyanna was quite popular amongst students from all the houses so managing to avoid the marauders should have been impossible.

"Maybe Remus wanted to keep you as his dirty little secret." He teases. A bread roll gets launched in his direction and he laughs at Lyanna disgusted face.

"Must you be so coarse all the time??" Lyanna whines.

Her and Otis laugh as they continue to eat.

Suddenly Lyanna feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns around to see a small boy looking at her nervously.

"Are....are you a p..p..p..prefect?" A quiet Scottish accent asks her shyly.

Lyanna smiles at the boy.

"I am! Are you alright?" She asks kindly.

The boy is fidgeting with his hands and looks very nervous. Lyanna recognises the boy from the sorting ceremony. The little red head who seemed disappointed in being sorted into Slytherin.

The Marauder's HufflepuffWhere stories live. Discover now