Study Buddy.

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After visiting Remus Lyanna makes her way towards the barrels. She is skipping along humming a song to herself waving at the other students she knows as they all wander around the halls.

Just as she is about to reach the barrels, she feels a hand wrap around her wrist and pull her into a near by alcove. She lets out a squeak and looks up to see Regulus Black staring down at her.

"Reggie! Godric you gave me a fright." She exclaims as she puts a hand over her heart.

"Sorry." He apologises as he nervously scratches the back of his neck with his hand.

"Everything ok Reg?" She asks her face concerned.

"Yea..yea... its just." He trails off.

She ever so gently puts a hand on his arm. He stiffens but soon relaxes.

"Take your time. You can tell me anything." She says softly.

He takes a breath.

"I haven't had a chance to talk to you yet since we came back. You know how the people in my house are. They don't want us interacting with other houses." Reggie explains.

"That's ok Reg! I know how difficult it can be for you." She says kindly.

"I'm worried that Sirius is going to leave." He admits in a whisper.

"The summer was hard, and he kept fighting back against our mother and can't argue back with her and get away with it." He explains.

Lyanna listens intently gently running her hand up and down his arm in a comforting manner.

"Oh reg. If he were to leave would you go with him?" She asks.

He sighs and rubs his temples.

"I don't know. Mother would never allow it. I have so much expected of me." He says and his voice breaks slightly.

"Can I hug you?" Lyanna asks carefully.

He nods.

She wraps her arms around him. He rests his chin on the top of her head.

"Whatever you decide to do I will support you okay." Lyanna says sincerely.

Reggie just squeezes her tightly. Lyanna was far to good and kind for this world. He knows she won't support him in a few years when he will have to take the Dark Mark.

He holds onto her tightly while he can. Enjoying the brief moment of peace.


Otis and Lyanna are currently in her dorm room. They are both sat on her bed as Otis puts a French plait in her hair.

"Sooo when do you think Fabian is going to ask you out?" Otis asks fiddling with a strand if her hair.

Lyanna chokes on air.

"Why is everyone saying that?" Lyanna asks.

"Because he has been practically telling the whole school about it. He isn't exactly subtle Ly. He almost tripped over in the great hall yesterday because he was staring at you." Otis says as he finishes her hair.

She turns around and faces Otis. "Still doesn't mean he likes me" she says and slightly looks down.

Otis notices her mood change.

"Hey what's got you down?" Otis asks.

"I guess I just find it hard to believe he would like me. What's so special about me?" She says feeling insecure. The thing most people don't know about Lyanna is that although she is extremely warm and kind to everyone, she sometimes neglects to be kind on herself. On the outside she seems confident and outgoing but she still has her self-doubts and insecurities.

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