Lyanna meets the Marauders.

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September 1st 2 pm on the Hogwarts Express.

Lyanna is sat in a compartment with Otis. Both chatting about their upcoming school year.

"Lily has already made a study timetable for our OWLS. We haven't even arrived yet." Lyanna says.

"It's Lily. Would you expect anything less?" Otis jokes.

Lyanna laughs.

"Oh I must go! I have my first prefect meeting." Lyanna says leaping up from her seat.

"Ah yes go. Leave me all alone while you go help little first years and stop troublesome teens." Otis says sarcastically.

"Love you too Otisfish." Lyanna replies as she leaves the compartment.


Arriving at the compartment for the meeting. Lyanna slides open the door. She spots Remus already seated and makes her way over to him.

"Hey Rem!" She says sitting next to him. She hugs him and gives him a kiss on the check. He smiles down at her. Remus has grown significantly over the summer. Towering over Lyanna even while sitting.

"Hey Ly! How was your summer?" He asks. She begins talking about everything she did over the summer and about Louis starting to practice Quidditch. Soon enough the compartment fills with the other prefects including Lily and Severus.

Lily gives Remus and Lyanna a big smile and wave. Severus gives Lyanna a nod before sending a glare towards Remus. It is no secret that Severus and the marauders don't get along. Severus being the target of many of their pranks.

The head boy and head girl begin the meeting and delegate out tasks.


After the meeting Lyanna bids Remus a goodbye. Before she leaves, she gives him some chocolate frogs and he gives her a copy of 'The Great Gatsby'. Lyanna follows Lily and Severus to their compartment. She chats with them for a while before heading back to Otis. They spend the rest of the journey together.


As they enter the great hall for the welcome feast Lyanna feels two sets of arms wrap around her shoulders. She lets out a startled squeak as she is squashed between Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

"If it isn't our favourite little puff!" Gideon says with a smirk.

"How's things gorgeous??" Fabian says with an identical smirk.

Lyanna puts her arms around both their waists and squeezes them.

"Even better now that I am in a Prewett sandwich." She says with a giggle.

Lyanna has been friendly with the older boys since second year when she successfully managed to convince Filch that Peeves had set dungbombs on the fifth floor corridor when it was in fact the twins saving them from detention.

"That's what we do gorgeous. We enrich the lives of every student at Hogwarts." Fabian proclaims dramatically making Lyanna laugh.

"I see you are both as modest as ever!" She jokes.

"Always!" Gideon replies.

Each boy places a kiss on the top of the little puffs head before they make their way to their tables.

Otis sits next to her with a wide grin on his face.

"What?!" Lyanna asks.

"I heard a rumour that you have an admirer." Otis says smugly.

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