Saying sorry

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"AGHHH!" Lyanna screams as she falls before creating a large splash and she is engulfed by the water.

"LYANNA!!" All the boys scream as they rush to the edge of the hill. They peer over and see the ringlets the water has created. Lyanna is nowhere to be seen.

Sirius shrugs off his cloak with lighting speed and James does the same. Sirius jumps into the freezing water after her.

Under the water Lyanna feels like she is being pulled down. She fights to stay afloat but the weight of her uniform and cloak is dragging her down. Lyanna's lungs feel like they are burning as she tries to hold her breath. Her eyelids feel heavy, and she doesn't think she can hold her breath much longer. Lyannas eyelids slowly begin to close. She feels a sense of weightlessness.

Sirius dives down and searches for Lyanna in the freezing and murky water. He spots her and quickly swims towards her. He panics when he sees her eyes closed. He wraps an arm around her forearm and begins the difficult task of swimming back to the surface.

Sirius finally breaks through the surface and takes a large breath of air. He struggles to pull Lyanna up, but she breaks finally through the surface to the relief of the boys on the shore. However, Sirius noticed how pale Lyanna looks, and she still isn't breathing. He swims as fast as he can to the shore where the other boys are and lofts her onto the bank.

"She isn't breathing!" Sirius yells.

The boys all look at each other terrified. Remus pushes through them. He lands on his knees next to her locking his hands together and begins pushing on her chest and counting out loud.

"What are you doing to her?!" Snape bellows out but Remus ignores him.

Remus continues to push on her chest. "Come on Lyanna." He whispers.

Suddenly Lyanna's eyes shoot open, and she coughs and chokes on water.

The boys sigh in relief and Remus and James turns her body as she continues to cough up water.

Sirius sits there stunned and out of breath. Water drips from his hair onto his neck.

James wraps Lyanna in his cloak to keep her warm.

All the boys begin to argue again. James goes up to Snape fists clenched.

"This is all your fault." He yells angrily.

"My fault?!" Snape bawks. "He is the one that was threatening me and wouldn't let us past." He yells gesturing to Sirius who is making his way angrily over to Snape.

"Yea and who wouldn't let go of her arm huh?!" Sirius screams out. "She fell because of you, you bastard." Sirius fumes.

"GUYS!!" Remus yells. "We have to get her to Madam Pomphrey. We can argue about this later." He says as he scoops up Lyanna. The boys race through the castle to the Hospital Wing.


Lyanna feels like she hasn't slept in a week. Her body feels heavy, and it takes an extraordinary amount of effort to open her eyes. When she does, she squints as her eyes adjust to the light. She moves her hands next feeling the fresh sheets under her.

She blinks and the celling comes into focus. A white ceiling which reminds her of the infirmary. Suddenly all her memories come flooding back. The boys threatening Snape. Lyanna tripping and falling into the lake.

She slowly moves her head to her left. There she finds Otis asleep on an armchair next to her bed. She smiles lightly to herself. She feels a weight on her right hand. She looks over and sees a mop of Red hair. Lily is sitting on a chair and her head is resting on Lyannas mattress. She is holding onto Lyannas hand tightly.

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