Diagon Alley and Sleepovers.

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"Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Lyanna hears a voice speak from behind her. Lyanna turned around to see Otis standing there. She lets out a giggle and runs over to him. He opens his arms and gives her a bear hug.

Otis has grown to an impressive 6ft 2 in height making a 5ft 5 Lyanna look tiny compared to him.

He lifts her off the ground and spins her around as she continues to giggle. He then sets her down and pulls back.

"Seriously when did you become hot?!" He asks.

Lyanna rolls her eyes and hits his arm.

"Oh, shut up!"

"I'm serious, if I was straight, I would propose right now." Otis says smirking.

"Hey! I am your unofficial sister, proposing to me would be weird." Lyanna retorts.

"Alas our love was just never meant to be!!" Otis says dramatically.

Lyanna giggles again. Lyanna has her hair down with light curls in it. She is wearing a white spaghetti sting tank top and long blue trousers with some brown sandals.

"I can't believe you grew boobs." Otis exclaims as he stares at her chest.

"Oh my god Otis shut up! You want the whole alley to hear?" Lyanna says with irritation.

"Annabear in that outfit I think the whole alley is going to know anyway!" he jokes and quickly backs away from her as she starts swatting him.

"Ok ok I'm sorry. Where are the rest of the Harringtons?" Otis asks.

"Mum and Dad took Louis to look at Quidditch stuff. He says he wants to start practising this year." She explains as they begin walking around the alley.

"What about your folks?" Lyanna asks.

"They wanted to stay in Muggle London for the day. Ya know how they are. Still not really used to magic. Not like I haven't been going to Hogwarts for five years now." Otis says bitterly.

His parents have never fully accepted him as being magic. They refuse to learn about his world and prefer to stick to the muggle way of life.

"Well, where shall we go to first?" Lyanna asks.

"I need to pick up some books in Flourish and Bolts." Otis says.

"To Flourish and Bolts it is!" Lyanna says enthusiastically and they make their way through the alley.


Also, in Diagon Alley that day are a certain group of mischievous boys.

James, Sirius and Peter are waiting outside Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream parlour for Remus who saud he would meet them there. He is running late, however.

"I hope Moony gets here soon. All the good flavours are going to be gone." Peter says as he anxiously bounces up and down on the balls of his feet.

"Do you ever think of anything else other than food Wormy?" James asks from beside Sirius who is smoking a cigarette.

"Yes. I also think of pranks." Peter replies.

"HA! When was the last time you came up with a prank Wormy?" Sirius asks as he blows smoke out of his mouth

"Hey! I suggested we plant dungbombs on Filches office last year." Peter says trying to defend himself.

"Like we hadn't already done that hundreds of times before." James replies.

Peter lets out a huff and grumble as he kicks his feet around the ground.

James suddenly notices a mass of red hair walking their way down the alley.

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