Life of the party- song preference

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Cameron: “I love it when you just don’t care” You were having one of those days, “YN, Cam has an interview in 20 minutes and you look like a hobo!” Nash yelled. “Fuck off, Nash! I don’t care what you think, I feel awful and I really don’t care.” You rolled your eyes and Cam smiled. “I love it when you just don’t care, baby.” He came over and kissed your forehead. “And I love you, Cameron Alexander.” You smiled, blushing.

•Nash: “I love it when you dance like there’s nobody there” It was 5:45 in the morning and you were having a crazy dance party, you’ve eaten a thing of icing and you’re having a celebration of your favourite ship slowly become more and more canon. You were off in your own little party and you didn’t even notice Nash come in until you heard his laughing. You turned around and smiled “Hey baby,” you said putting a spoon of Nutella in your mouth. “Whatcha doing, there YN?” He said smiling. “Having a dance party in celebration of my OTP. You?” Nash bursted with laughter and got up to join you, but not before kissing you. “I freaking love you, YN."

•Shawn: "So when it gets hard, don’t be afraid we don’t care what them people say” You scrolled through the endless twitter/tumblr/Instagram hate that you got, all saying the same thing “you’re not good enough for our little Shawn.” “You’ll never be good enough” “fucking whore I know you’re fucking Matt” the hate was just endless and it was making you cry. Tears streamed down your face, Shawn walked in, “Hey beautiful, I wa–” he stopped once he saw your tears, “What’s wrong, baby? Are you okay?” He rushed over to you. “I-i.. Nothing, I’m sorry, I’m so weak and and not good enough for you.” You sobbed. He frowned and scooted the laptop away from you, “You’re my whole world, I love you. You’re more than enough for me. Don’t let them to get to you, you’re beautiful.” You nodded as more tears fell. “I-i love you, S-Shawn..” You sniffled, “I love you too, princess.” He hugged you.

•Aaron: “I love it when you don’t take no I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so” You were dressed in your favorite outfit and feeling great, this is what dreams are made of tbh. “YN, why are you all dressed up?” Aaron asked confused, “Because! Todays a good day and we’re going out!” You said happily. “We can’t babe, they told us we needed to stay in more, that clubbing isn’t good for my image.” Aaron said laughing at your happiness, “Fuck what they say! It’s your life, Aaron. And we’re going to have a little bit of fun tonight, and they can’t tell us we can’t.” You smirked walking over to him then kissed him slowly full of lust, “But you aren’t getting any unless we go out.” You whispered seductively, walking away. “Where’s the keys at, babe?” Aaron shouted making you laugh.

•Hayes: “So baby be the life of the party I’m telling you, take your shot it might be scary” You guys could call Hayes anything you wanted, but don call him innocent. Hayes was quite the party animal and something about that got you so worked up. “Come YN! It’ll be fun!” He pleaded, he wanted you to go to this party more than anything. You sighed, “I don’t know, Hayes.. Partying isn’t really my thing..” He rolled his eyes, “Don’t you lie to me, YN. You love to go out there and shake your ass, grinding on me until day break.” He said playfully smirking. A blush grew on your face, “Okay, I’ll go.” You blushed and got ready. When you got there you started dancing with Hayes but then he drug you to the shots table. “No, Hayes, I don’t drink and you shouldn’t either..” You said nervously, Hayes laughed and took a shot. Goddamn, it was hot. “C'mon, YN. Take a shot, you might be scared but I promise, it’ll be fun.” He said smiling and handing you your shot. You sighed and shrugged as you took the shot. Your throat burned but so did your adrenaline. This was gonna be a great party.

•Jack Gilinsky: “Together we can just let go” You couldn’t put into words how stressed an overwhelmed you were. Jack would watch you stress out and down cup after cup of coffee.“Baby, you need to calm down. Quit stressing; just breath.” He pulled you to him in a warm embrace. You wanted to fight back an do the stacks of work you had. But you couldn’t pull away from him. “C'mon, I’ll help you let go.” He said biting his lip. With Jack this could mean two things, either he was about to give you oral or you were about to get high. You pulled away and looked in his eyes, “Which way?” You asked. His smirk grew, “Both.” He sat back on the bed pulling you onto his lap, kissing you intensely. Needless to say, you let go in more ways than one ;)

•Jack Johnson: “We don’t have to be ordinary” Your relationship with Johnson was anything but ordinary. He was either touring or at the studio. You guys had quickies almost every place you went, because he was hardly ever home. But you wouldn’t have it any other way, there’s something about Johnson and hooking up in a studio bathroom that you fucking loved. Johnson made you so happy, with everything he did. He sent you letters and presents from every city he toured to while he was gone and he made love to you when he came back. Nothing was ordinary but everything was perfect.

•Taylor: “So don’t let them keep you down” Taylor’s fan were always dragging you about one thing or anything and you had enough of it. You told them exactly what you thought and you held nothing back because the way they treated you were nothing. You didn’t realize what you had done until it was already done. So many more people hated you for this and now they were bashing Taylor. Taylor looked through his twitter and looked to you confused, “What’d you do, babe?” He questioned. “I let my anger get the best of me and.. I’m sorry, Tay..” You sighed sadly. He wrapped his arms around you, “No, I love you babe. I’m so happy you’re not letting them keep you down. I didn’t and I still don’t let them keep me down. Who cares if they get pissed off? Literally, no one. It’s alright, baby girl.” He smiled and kissed you. You smiled, “I love you, Taylor Michael.” He smiled and bit his lip, “Show me how much you love me, baby.” You smirked and grabbed his hand leading him upstairs.

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