YouTube Challenges (only 3)

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Nash- "Ok. So today we're doing... THE BABY FOOD CHALLENGE!" Nash screamed into the lens of the camera while slinging his arm over you. You hid your face in his shoulder as he laughed quietly. "Y/N is scared because there is only one good tasting baby food while the rest are pretty disgusting." From behind the camera, Hayes stated all of the different flavors. "First, we have sweet potato." He handed each of you a jar of baby food. Nash opened it up and started gagging. "This smells awful!" He started shoving it in your face. "EW Nash get it out of my face." He started having a fit of laughter and Hayes realized that this was your chance to finally beat Nash at a challenge. He ushered you to start eating and you took your spoon and started devouring that thing. When you finished and slammed your jar on the kitchen table, Nash stopped laughing and looked at your jar in awe. "Y/N YOU CHEATED! THAT'S AGAINST BABY FOOD CHALLENGE RULES." he pouted. "Oh Nash. I think we both know that the rules were never truly established. Therefore, I win. Don't be a sore loser Nashy." You poked his shoulder. He glared at you for a moment before whispering to Hayes. "Finish the video, I have to show Y/N what happens to cheaters." He looked over at you as you became wide-eyed. You jumped off of the kitchen stool. started screaming, and opened the front door, running outside in the pouring rain. Nash came running after you. Hayes took the camera and filmed everything, even you two spraying each other with hose water because you got so muddy and his parents wouldn't let the two of you inside.

Cameron- You were so nervous because today, you and Cameron were dared to attempt the Cinnamon Challenge. You've seen so many people do it before and fail so you were pretty scared. You watched as Cameron set up the video camera and you grabbed the cinnamon, spoons, bowls, and glasses of milk. "Hey guys! You all wanted me to do a YouTube challenge video with my girlfriend, Y/N, so we decided that we would try to attempt the Cinnamon Challenge. Y/N is pretty scared, but I'm hyped. Let's do this." You poured the cinnamon into the cup while Cameron watched. Then, he did the same. You both looked at each other. You said, "1." Cameron says, "2." You both say, "3." You shoved the spoon of cinnamon into your mouth while he did the same. You swirled it around your mouth as he automatically spit it all over the kitchen table. He gulped his whole bottle of water down and watched as you still had the cinnamon in your mouth. When it was soft, you swallowed the cinnamon in sections. You finally finished the last section and stuck your tongue out to the camera to show that there was nothing left in your mouth. Cameron looked at you in shock. "You obviously cheated. There's no way you could have finished that.. YOU DIDN'T EVEN HESITATE LIKE HOW." You giggled at how cute he was. "One day I'll teach you my tricks so you could maybe beat me." "Maybe? Oh, Y/N. I will most definitely beat you."

Matthew- "Hey, what's up you guys. I'm here with Shawn and Y/N. Today, we're all going to be doing the chubby bunny challenge for you because it was requested a lot from you guys. Obviously, we all know I'm going to win because I have the biggest mouth so be prepared to be destroyed." He did some really weird face to the camera while you got the marshmallows. "Oh lookie, they're supersized." said Shawn. "Let's begin! Y/N go first." You placed a marshmallow in your mouth and said, "Chubby bunny!" This went on for about 20 minutes. Shawn was the first one to spit out all of his marshmallows and so you and Matt were still going strong. "Chuuhbbee buwwnie." Matt attempted to say. The way he said it just made you burst into a fit of laughter, making you spit your mouthful of marshmallows into the bowl. Matt spit his out after and said, "HA I WIN I WIN. Let's face it guys, you both knew that I was going to win." "Oh, shut up Matt." you shoved his shoulder a bit. "Shots fired." screamed Taylor from the other room. "You're not helping here Taylor, thanks." Matt screamed back. "Hey, Y/N and I are going to go to the pool. We'll see you later. It was nice doing this challenge for you guys!" said Shawn. The two of us waved to the camera before getting up to leave. "Can I come?" "Sorry.. it's for the losers of the chubby bunny challenge only. Maybe next time though." You winked and kissed him on the cheek.

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