Where your insecure because you've been cheated in a previous relationship

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Jack G: You're eyes flutter open, although still heavy with sleep. It's on instinct that you reach out to grasp the empty air beside you. Shock wakes you up instantly; you sit bolt upright and stare at the clock. It's eight in the morning and Jack isn't home...

You knew that he was partying with Sam and Johnson last night, he'd invited you but you'd been tired and turned him down. Jack had said not to wait up so you hadn't, but this was ridiculous. Suddenly the worst thought entered your head. What if Jack had hooked up with some chick at the party? Sam had a lot of female friends who were a lot prettier than you; more in Jacks league than you. Would it really be that surprising? Jack would have been pretty high and he probably thought you were boring for not wanting to party, especially since you hadn't seen him in almost a month. You doubt that he'd understand how tired you've been all week.

There is a shuffling noise in the hall that grabs your attention. Slipping out from under the sheets you race into the hall and call out, you don't even take notice of how desperate and needy you sound, "Jack?"

He looks over to you as he emerges from the living room; even in his drowsy, hung-over state he's beautiful. But his features soon crease with concern as he crosses the room over to you, "Y/N, what's wrong?"

A sigh of relief escapes your lips. "Nothing... it's just I woke up and you weren't there. I thought... I thought maybe you'd found someone else..." I couldn't meet his eyes as I spoke the words in a hoarse whisper. The few tears that escaped my eyes made me feel pathetic. He probably thinks I'm insane, you think to yourself.

Jack is in front of you in seconds, he has a firm but gentle grip on each of your arms. "I got home around two," His voice is dry and husky, which makes him sound incredibly sexy. "I slept in the living room because I smell like a brewery and I didn't want the smell to keep you up." He lets go of your arms. While one hand lifts your chin up so that you're looking into his eyes the other snakes around your waist and pulls your bodies together, sending your pulse through the roof. He's right he does stink but he is also incredibly hot despite his current state of poor hygiene. As he leans in to kiss you he stops. Jack looks you straight in the eye as he says, "I am nothing like that dick. I won't hurt you like he did." He's referring to your ex, the one that broke your heart.

Jack searches your eyes pleadingly, so obviously desperate for you to understand. And after a brief moment of inner conflict you do. You nod and whisper "Okay", right before your lips crash together.

Cameron: You're heart sinks in your chest as you stare at you twitter feed. You are sitting on Cameron's messy bed in the centre of his messy room, scrolling through twitter on your phone. You continue to stare in disbelief at the screen as you read you're boyfriend's latest tweet.

Right on cue Cam waltzes in, "Hey, Y/N, so what do you want to do today?" Cameron asks, flinging himself onto the bed and wrapping you in his arms. You let him do it, still staring at your screen. There are about a million thoughts gushing through your head right now. Cameron's brown eyes flicker toward the screen and an enthusiastic smile lights up his face, "Great right?" He says proudly.

You half-heartedly echo his praise for the idea, "Yeah, great..."

He sits up then, you do to. You turn around and kneel on the bed so that you're facing Cameron, who is leant against the headboard with his legs outstretched in front of him. "What's wrong with it? Why don't you like it?" Cameron asks; he seems slightly pissed now.

You can't really blame him, you're being unreasonable but you can't help the fact that the idea unsettles you.  "It's just dates are something that couples do Cam. They're... they're how you fall in love." You mumble. You can hardly stand to look at him because you know that you're being petty but for some reason this really bothers you.

His voice is a mixture between anger and love as he speaks, "So you're jealous? They're my fans Y/N. I owe my success to them and a lot of them dream of something like this happening. I can't just say something like this and take it back Y/N. I'm an idol to a lot of these girls! And I mean it in the least douche-y way possible when I say that they love me, so I can't just promise-"

Cam's voice fades as the realisation dawns on him. His dark brown eyes search my own Y/E/C ones. He suddenly sates very calmly, "But that's what you're afraid of... isn't it."

As tears block my vision I tear my eyes from Cameron's, I can't look at him because I'm so pathetic. He's right. I'm scared he'll fall in love with a fan and leave me.

"Y/N" Cameron says softly, he takes both of my hands in each of his and drags me closer so that I'm kneeling in between his legs and facing him. Cameron shifts us so that I'm no longer kneeling and so that his body is in between my legs and mine his. His hands rest on my hips as I place mine on his wide shoulders. Cam rests his forehead against mine as he whispers "I am not Jason." He's referring to my ex. "I'm not going to leave you for a fan, or for your cousin, or for the soccer mom next door, alright?"

When I nod he kisses me briskly on the cheek, managing to evoke a smile before he continues, "But I love my fans and they love me, because we're family. I want to be close to my fans, so please don't make me choose between you and them, since you know it will always be you." His voice is gentle and pleading. His words make my heart skip a beat, I want to say: No, I didn't know. But instead I express my shock and gratefulness and love for this sentiment the only way I know how: I kiss him ferociously.

Shawn: We finally manage to fight our way through the screaming fans and into the hotel. You can't help but roll my eyes as the woman at the desk flashes a predatory smile at Shawn, whose hand is currently laced through yours. But, when Shawn smiles back at her a masses of nerves, that you thought you'd buried once you'd broken up with your ex gush forward. You glanced back at the Clerk, she was very pretty. She had long blonde hair and her boobs were massive; practically spilling out from her shirt.

As Shawn enquired about a room she was the epitome of niceness. He didn't even seem to notice the way her hand lingered on his or the way she was gazing at him under her long false lashes, he didn't even notice the way her face sunk with disappointment or the scowl she gave you as he explained that you in fact, were not his sister but his girlfriend.

"She seemed nice didn't she?" Shawn said casually as you rode the elevator up to the room. You tightened my grip on the door keys and answered him in a clipped tone. "Yeah. Nice."

Shawn rambled on obliviously as you both exit the lift, "I mean usually hotel Clerks are so rude and impatient, it just nice a nice change."

"Alert the press: Shawn found a nice hotel clerk." You grumble more harshly than intended.

You unlock the room door and stomp inside closely followed by Shawn, who finally seems to have gotten the hint. "You're mad at me? What did I do?"

"She was flirting with you and you seemed to have no problem with it! I mean I was standing right there and you just let her flirt."

"Well what was I supposed to do? Tell her to stop flirting because I have a girlfriend? Besides, I don't even think she was flirting she was just being friendly."

"She was flirting with you Shawn. And I don't know, you could have put your arm around me or kissed my cheek! I don't know, anything that made it clear that I'm not you're sister!" I yelled.

"Why are you making such a big deal about this?" Shawn says, staring to get pissed off. "You're ruining what's been a perfectly nice day over some petty jealousy!"

You step back, shocked. Shawn's never been that blunt before and the words sting, but he's right. You're being stupid. You wipe your teary eyes with the back of your hand and sniff. "I'm sorry." You answer. Shawn waits for an explanation that you really don't want to give. But eventually his silence breaks you. "It's just the girl Daniel cheated on me with; she was gorgeous, kind of like that girl in reception. I just get a little insecure sometimes and I'm working on it...I really am."

Shawn looks at you, but you have no idea what he's thinking as he slowly moves to stand at your side. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you so that your shoulder is pressed against his chest; Shawn tilts his head down so that his mouth is on by your ear and begins to sing. "You're insecure, don't know what for," You can practically hear the teasing smile on his lips as you pull away, laughing. You silence his silly song with a kiss.

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