You play volleyball

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Cameron Dallas: Whenever you play volleyball he'll sit up in the stands and inventively watch you. Whenever you look up at him he'll give you a smirk and wave. Once you've finished your game he'll run down to you, give you a hug and kiss you. You know everyone's watching but hey, Cameron Dallas is kissing you.

Nash Grier: Nash loves sports so whenever you're playing he'll make big signs with your name written on it. He'll stand at the very top of the bleachers and cheer you on, along with the rest of your family.

Jack Gilinsky: Jack is a big fan of sports also; he'll get a lot of his friends with your name on their shirts along with your team name. They'll have their own little fan section cheering loudly whenever you have a perfect spike or pass.

Jack Johnson: Johnson's not big on school sports events but when it comes down to his favorite girl playing he always comes. He'll sit with your family and watch you. Every once in a while you'll see him jump up in his seat and clap loudly whenever you have a perfect play, and after every game you'll tease him about it but he'll brush it off and say he was just excited his girl was doing awesome.

Hayes Grier: Hayes is huge on sports and he never misses one of your volleyball games. He loves to cheer but he makes sure he's not too loud so he won't throw you off your game. He's always the loudest clapper and he'll yell every chance he can get. Your team has even told you they love him coming because he's the team's biggest fan.

Aaron Carpenter: Aaron is like the team mom. He'll go shopping for water and little snack so you can hand them to the team. He always makes sure you have water and when you finish your game he'll wait for you to get out of the locker room and pull you in for a long hug telling you, you did great.

Shawn Mendes: Shawn is protective to you all the time so it's no surprise he makes sure your all wrapped up for your upcoming game, he's like your personal trainer. He'll wrap your ankles before every game and help you tie on your ankle brace. Whenever you get hurt he'll run down to the bench and check you himself to make sure all is good. He'll give you little kisses on the forehead and help you through it all.

Carter Reynolds: Carter's not big on sports but he loves to watch you, even if he doesn't understand the game. But, he'll always make an attempt to get it. He'll watch film with you and practice with you all the time. You love it that even though you know he doesn't like sports he'll make an attempt to like your favorite sport.

Matt Espinosa: He's always been a big sports guy and he loves to watch you.  He'll always go to the gym with you and help you practice, you love it because sometimes he'll get a little competitive and try and do better than you. It always ends in a one-on-one with some intense plays and trash talk, so training is always ten times more fun.

Taylor Caniff: Taylor doesn't play a lot of sports but that doesn't stop him from being competitive. You both are always doing bets like: Serving and how many you can get in a row. You know you can beat him but occasionally you'll let him win so he won't get tired of the bets. You don't complain when you lose though because Taylor's bets always consist of mud and four-wheelers, or what you like to call getting to spend twice as much time with him.

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