What kind of girl I think he would go out with

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Nash: Nash's girl would be very outgoing, loud, and bubbly. I could see him with a famous youtuber or Viner, someone who is really chill and spontaneous. She would have a great relationship with Nash's parents, Hayes, and of course Skylynn (very family oriented like Nash). She probably would live in L.A with Nash and Cameron. She would be really crazy (in a good way), always full of energy, and she would always know how to keep the conversation going.

Cameron: Cameron's girl would be a classy, sweet, and innocent. She would always be so generous and gorgeous. And, she would be oblivious to the fact the boys drool over her personality, looks, etc. She would be very down-to-earth, and willing to help out. She would be really innocent, probably really into reading, drawing, dancing, or photography. She would be very well-rounded, someone a boy would want to introduce to his parents.

Shawn: She would be very sarcastic, snappy, and energetic. She could be argumentative and moody, but she would be so funny as well. She would definitely not be as innocent as Shawn, more loud, and very blunt. She would be very straight-forward and would most likely have a short temper. Still, she would be comforting when you needed it. She might know how to sing a few notes, but not a lot so Shawn would be able to teach her.

Hayes: She would be pretty sporty (like him) and be very competitive. She would have lots of talents that could range from soccer to playing the piano. She would be very determined and always would push herself to accomplish something. She would be very motivational and support. Also, she would always be up for an adventure. I could her being very outdoorsy and camper type, always up for a hike.

Matthew: She would be very chill, and would love to just cuddle up on the couch and eat a lot of ice-cream. They would both stay up all night just talking about the most random stuff. She would be a deep-thinker and would have a creative imagination. She wouldn't care how she looked, usually old t-shirts and sweatpants. She would always have a load of energy when you get to know her.

Aaron: She would be really sweet and charming. Very nurturing and caring, and great at giving advice. She would always comfort Aaron, giving him a confidence boost. She would be very trustworthy and loyal. Also, she would have a great sense of humor, and would crack jokes whenever someone was sad. I imagine she would put others before herself.

Taylor: She would most definitely be a bad-ass type of girl. Not afraid to tell someone off if they are annoying her. Also, very blunt and sarcastic. Very often she would have an attitude of 'I don't give a shit'', which is something Taylor would admire. She would be very independent and courageous. Always willing to try new and risky things.

Carter: I feel like he would go for a very creative and outgoing girl. Who is never bored and always has new ideas up her sleeve. She would have a great fashion sense, she and Mahogany would probably get on really well. She would always give Carter ideas for his vines/ YouTube videos. She would also be very confident and outgoing, and she would be very secure about herself.

Jack J: She would definitely be a wild girl, who would love to party. She could probably sing really well and she and Jack would blast the radio singing together. She would love parties and the wild and crazy atmosphere. She would also be really funny, and she and Jack would usually exchange playful banter.

Jack G: She would be the complete opposite from Jack, really cute and nerdy. A typical book worm. Jack would probably help her by bringing her out of her shell, and she wouldn't be so shy any more. She would probably help Jack study for exams and would always skip the parties to go home and cuddle up with a nice book.


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