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NATASHA DRIVES WHILE CLINT AND IRINA FIGHT BACK IN THE CAR. HYDRA agents and robots are coming at them from all angles as they head through the cold woods to the base. While Irina has yet to actually speak with Clint, she trusts that he'll have her back as he does Natashas. 

A truck with enemy agents drives up next to them and she and Clint shoot them off. Eventually, Natasha pulled off and all three of them got out, ready to fight. 

"Shit!" Irina smirked hearing the Iron Man yell out. She might've hoped he was in just a tad bit more danger than the others. 

"Language. Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" On the way there, Nat had taught her the basics of the team and the tech. 

Captain America, Steve Rogers, Super Soldier, had a stick up his ass. Iron Man, Tony Stark, not actual iron, smart but annoying. The Hulk, Bruce Banner, anger issues, had a bad experiment that lead him to turn into a "big green rage monster." God of Thunder, Thor, from another planet, big sweetheart. Hawkeye, Clint Barton, a trained assassin, best at archery, and Nat's best friend. Jarvis, team tech, A.I. 

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield." Of course, Irina knew this, she didn't need the glorified Siri to tell her, but she also didn't tell the team. Why would she? "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." Well no shit, had they not done their research on this guy? 

"Loki's scepter must be here." Irina actually kind of liked Thor, only because he had an accent. It made her feel welcome in a way. "Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it." Loki was apparently Thor's little brother who went batshit crazy and caused the Battle of New York. "At long last."

A blow came to Irina's back but she didn't even flinch, simply turning around and hitting the agent with the handle of her knife, rendering him unconscious. "Сука." A shot went straight past her and she got back into focus mode, pulling out her gun and shooting a few agents and robots. 

"'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys." Nat's comment made Irina smirk knowing no one on the team would see her. Apart from Natasha herself who smiled at it.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise," Clint said while shooting at some agents.

"Wait a second." Irina groaned at Stark's voice, he was starting to get on her nerves. "No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?" Irina tsked.

"Can we maybe focus on the hundreds of agents shooting at us right now?" She spoke harshly. Her comment was completely ignored though as Steve spoke.

"I know. Just slipped out."

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