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IRINA BLACKED OUT THE CONVERSATION AS SHE NEARED THE BASE. As everyone said, she knew this base, so she knew how to get in. However, she also knew of stories from this base. She'd seen firsthand what they did here and it terrified her, but she knew she had to help if she wanted to survive. 

Irina never liked teams and lucky for her she never really had to be on them. It was too much responsibility to have to care for your teammates' reckless and idiotic decisions. 

"We have an enhanced in the field." Steve's words sent a chill up the girl's spine not knowing what powers they had. 

"Clint's hit!" Natasha yelled into the comms as she raced over to her friend. Guilt sank in Irina's stomach, knowing she should've said something about what happens in Sokovia. "Somebody wanna deal with that bunker?" Not even ten seconds later, Hulk's roar was heard as he destroyed it. "Thank you."

Irina wanted to help Natasha and Clint but she knew she had to get inside and deal with the enhanced herself. The Avengers had no idea what was waiting for them inside.

"Stark, we really need to get inside."

"Well, no shit Captain." Irina wasn't one for humor or obvious statements. As much as she hated him, Irina was aware that Stark must've been close to finding a way inside.

"I'm closing in." 

Irina decided to tune out the comms as she raced to the base looking for a way in. Luckily, she saw the perfect opportunity. Un-guarded and unlocked, a door was right in front of her. The handle turned and she pushed it as hard she could to open the rusted shut door. After a moment of struggling it popped open and Irina waltzed right in. "Идиоты." (Idiots.)

"Idiots are we?" Irina spun at the voice, gun at the ready. A brunette stood in front of her, a smirk plastered on the girl's face. "I don't think idiot would be the word I use to describe Strucker."

"Hm? And what word would you use then?"

"Rude. Stuck up. Annoying." She stepped forward slightly, making the distance between them a foot smaller. "Idiot could be used to describe someone else though."

"Who would that be?" Irina's finger was on the trigger, she could kill this girl whenever she pleased but for some reason, she wanted to hear the answer. 

"You." Red light flashed before her eyes and she didn't hesitate to shoot, but when the light cleared and she turned around, she was no longer in the HYDRA base.

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