Chapter 24: An Unnecessary Battle

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"Halt!" A gruff voice yelled.

Slowly moving my head up I began to scowl. Enforcers blocked our way, and of course none other than Marcus stood in the middle of them.

"What the hell is this?" Ekko exasperated.

I heard rustling beside me as Caitlyn grabbed her enforcer badge from her pocket and held it out.

"Sir! I have proof, Silco's behind everything," she shouted.

Silco. Marcus was corrupt, a double-agent. He wouldn't accept this evidence, he'd already signed his life away to the crimelord.

"Show me," Marcus replied, striding towards us.

"No," Ekko whispered urgently, desperation in his eyes as they darted between the two of us.

He knew as well, of the lies and deceit that surrounded the man approaching us. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I saw the white-haired boy reaching for the canister at his side as he swore under his breath. I stepped in front of my companions, blocking them from the enforcer drawing nearer to us. The line of blue and gold behind him raised their guns, clenching my jaw I raised my hands in surrender.

"We can show you, if you lower your weapons," I negotiated, looking Marcus straight in his cold eyes.

"Y/n!" hissed Caitlyn.

Marcus sighed, motioning behind him for his cavalry to lower their weapons.

"Show me now," he continued, shooting me an irritated glare.

Ekko held out the now open canister, the blue crystal spinning inside it. Terror filled me as an unanticipated gunshot sounded, piercing my eardrums. Ekko fell back on the ground, lifeless. Above him stood Marcus, holding the weapon that had done the deed. A pistol.

I dove down to Ekko's body, grabbing his wrist and feeling for a pulse frantically.

"I told you to lower your weapons," I screamed, tears stinging my eyes, "What the hell is this?!"

Marcus ignored my statement as his attention was drawn to Caitlyn. He aimed the pistol at her shakily, edging around Ekko's body and lowering his hand to grab the canister. Then, I felt it. The encouraging drumming of a pulse beneath my fingertips. Invigoration came over me, I reached over and grasped the canister firmly in my hand, preventing Marcus from taking it. The gun was now pointed at me, the man glowering down at me as he held it firmly. I stared down the barrel, smirking.

"Go ahead, do it. You wanted to all those years ago when I was just a kid," I laughed bitterly, "You're betraying your own men, and for what? Some extra cash?"

"Rich coming from you, y/n," sneered Marcus, "I thought that you worked for him."

"I don't work for anyone," I spat.

With that, the enforcer kicked me over and snatched the canister from my loosening grasp. I headed out in pain, his steel boots having done some damage to my ribcage. By the time I had sat back up, he had turned back to Caitlyn, trembling as he pointed the pistol at her.

"I told you to leave this alone," he emphasised.

I heard someone bellow out Caitlyn's name in the distance, unmistakably Vi.

"Leave her alone," I demanded, "She didn't do anything wrong."

Marcus opened his mouth then closed it, distracted by something. I followed his line of view to see a swarm of green lights enveloping us. Firelights, they came in their thousands flying through the air. Everyone paused, innate curiosity straying us away from our goals. Marcus's face twitched as one landed on his gun, spreading its wings. The ticks that sounded seemed awfully similar to that of a a time bomb's. Realisation dawned upon me.

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