Chapter 29: A Deadly Dinner

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F/c = Favourite colour

Jinx tilted her head to the side, grinning a wide and sinister grin. How did she survive the explosion? Surely she would've sustained injuries from it at least. Something else was off, it was her eyes. They were now a coral pink, not the familiar ocean blue. Not only that; they were filled with malice. I stepped back, gaping in shock.

"Missed me, y/n?" she smirked.

I backed away further as she exited the wardrobe and began to close in on me with a sickly sweet smile, hands hidden behind her back.

"Jinx, what the hell are you doing here?!" I exclaimed, pressing my back to the kitchen counter.

As discreetly as I could I felt behind me for the reassuring handle of a kitchen knife. I exhaled as my hands met it, gripping the blade tightly in my hands. That's when without any form of warning Jinx sped past me in the blink of an eye. It was inhumanly quick, and just as swiftly the knife was plucked from my fingertips. My stomach lurched as she appeared in front of me again, leering at me as she wielded the weapon in her hand and chuckled to herself.

"Looking for this?" she taunted me, throwing the knife onto the ground.

I winced as I heard it clatter on impact, knowing that my only hope of escape was gone.

"Jinx, please," I begged, "Stop with whatever you're doing, they want in jail, or dead."

"Everyone does silly," she lilted, leaning towards me, "Don't pretend you don't."

"Never," I replied.

"Oh really? We'll see about that," she laughed.

The maniacal expression on her face told me to run. Before I could think it through I sprinted for it, dashing out of the door and down the narrow hallway. Her footsteps thudded in quick succession behind me. I didn't make it far, I was no match for whatever superhuman abilities Jinx had developed in her absence.

"How rude y/n! You should be more friendly to guests," she whispered in my ear.

Something blunt thudded against my head, and darkness descended upon me as I crumpled to the floor.


When I opened my eyes again my vision was still clouded with shadows. Wherever I was, there was no lighting. I could make out jutting objects, perhaps a table in front of me. I couldn't feel around for anything in the dinginess, my hands were tied and restrained behind my back with what felt like a tight rope. Nothing came out but a muffled scream as I attempted to yell out for someone, anyone. Jinx had placed a mask over my face, drowning out my pleas for help.

To my left I heard voices, a shout from what sounded like Vi and a reply from Jinx. I couldn't make out what the two sisters were saying, but it was mainly Jinx doing the speaking. This was one strange reunion, and something told me they weren't the only company I had; there were others here.

"I knew you'd come back," Jinx muttered, her echoing  footsteps sounding on the ground

"What's going on?!" Vi demanded.

Then a flicker of light travelled in front of me, lighting a pathway across what I now saw was a table. It was long and covered in the now freshly-lit candles, accompanied by assortments of cups and cutlery. Looking to my left at the source of commotion I saw a stunned Vi tied to a chair at the end, Jinx standing beside her and smirking. I noticed that next to me was a scruffy looking bunny, and my head hit lightly against a plushy dangling overhead.

I widened my eyes as I saw that it resembled Claggor, my eyes darted to the other side of me to see the horrendous Mylo dummy strapped to a chair in the same manner as myself. Sweat prickled on my forehead. What was on the right of the table was even more horrifying however. Silco, with his head drooping in defeat.

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