Chapter 26: An Alarming Discovery

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I decided that I should introduce myself to the Councillor, despite Caitlyn already having done that for me.

"I'm y/n," I replied, "I grew up with Viktor in the Undercity, you probably know him."

Councillor Kiramman stared at me as if I had three heads as she stirred her tea, seeming to rack her brain for who exactly Viktor was.

"Apologies, who is this?" she asked.

"He's an inventor here who went to the Academy?" I hinted, pausing as Caitlyn's mother still appeared baffled.

"Jayce's science partner," an embarrassed Caitlyn snapped at her mother. 

I winced slightly at that. Viktor deserved much more recognition than just being someone's science partner. The Councillor's eyes lit up in realisation as she nodded, only adding to my growing disdain of her.

"Ah yes, we were Jayce's patrons before his success," she remarked, "He's such a talented young man, he's done wonders for this city."

I tightened my grip on the side of the sofa, grimacing as Mr Kiramman pulled out yet another piece of shrapnel from my injury.

"With Viktor's help?" I questioned, recollecting myself.

"Well yes, I suppose so," the councillor concluded.

She supposed so? Viktor seemed to have been an integral part of Hextech, and she was just brushing off his achievements like they were nothing. His partner Jayce didn't seem like a bad man, but he definitely enjoyed the spotlight. Viktor had always been reserved, the type who wouldn't care for fame, but that didn't mean he didn't deserve credit for his work.

"Where can y/n find him?" Caitlyn spoke for me.

Councillor Kiramman took another long sip of her tea, peering at me over the brim with untrusting eyes.

"I am not entirely certain, Jayce would know. I will have an enforcer accompany y/n there," she finally decided, turning her gaze to me, "However y/n, I will expect you back to present your case in front of the council."

"Thank you," I nodded appreciatively, secretly wondering if the enforcer was only there to keep an eye on me.

The mention of the case was a harsh reminder of my increasing internal dilemma. I had tried to ignore it, but it had only grew and grew. Oddly, the idea of being part of a case against Silco and Jinx greatly unsettled me. No matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise, I still felt an odd sort of kinship towards them even after all they had done to harm me. A want to shield Jinx from all of this evil ever present, and a strange affinity towards Silco despite his questionable moral compass. There was Sevika too, someone who I trusted with my life and had always been there to look out for me. I couldn't partake in this.

These thoughts loomed above me as Caitlyn wished me luck and went back to her room. Her mother had walked off to fetch an enforcer. After Mr Kiramman had finished tending to my wounds and wrapped my arm in a bandage, the councillor returned with a male enforcer.

"This is Kai, he'll take you to Councillor Talis," she announced.

I stood up to leave, turning around to thank a smiling Mr Kirraman, then following Kai out of the room. Usually I was apprehensive towards enforcers, their presence setting me on edge, but this one seemed young and new to the job. He was still untainted by the corruption that lay within their troops, harmless. If anyone was nervous it was him, jittering as he explained to me where we were going.

As we continued out into the street, I was more concerned about being noticed than anything else. People were on the lookout for shifty characters after the incident on the bridge, and I seemed to match the description of one as my eyes darted about the place suspiciously. I kept my head down to the ground, avoiding eye contact with any passersby.

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