Ch13: Closer

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When I wake up, the sun is seeping through the curtains, and I squint my eyes as I look around. My head feels heavy as I move it, and it takes me a few seconds to realise I'm still on the living room floor with my head resting on the couch.

Yoongi is lying unconscious on the couch, his feet a few centimetres away from my face and I push it away in disgust. I feel a weight on my legs, so I look down to find Taehyung's head on my lap with the rest of his body sprawled out on the floor.

An overwhelming urge to throw up comes over me, so I immediately push Taehyung's head and it smashes against the coffee table's leg, but I'm in such a hurry to the bathroom that my mind doesn't seem to process the yelp in pain that he lets out.

I'm hunched over the toilet seat, letting out my stomach's content as I hear Taehyung's and Yoongi's voices in the background, but I can't make out any words. I lean back when I'm done, feeling the world spin around me as darkness starts invading my vision. With whatever strength left in me, I manage to stand up and walk to the living room.

"You're bleeding, bro."

"I know, Yoongi, I'm not blind."

"How the fuck did it happen?"

"I don't know. I woke up from the hit. Maybe I fell."

"From where, dumbass? You were on the floor since last night."

Leaning on the wall, I blink my eyes several times, trying to get rid of the blurriness. Taehyung's eyes meet mine, and my breath hitches when I notice his hand pressed to his temple, a trail of blood falling down the side of his face.

"Shit, I'm sorry.. " I try to say more, but my mind goes blank, and Taehyung's face is the last thing I see before the world spins around me again and my legs give out. Everything turns black.


I press my face to the pillow upon realising I'm in bed. I open my eyes, and Taehyung is sitting on a chair facing me, but he's looking down at his phone. There's a band-aid on the side of his forehead. I reach out my hand to him, and his ears twitch at the sound of my hand moving through the sheets. He immediately looks up at me and puts his cool hand on top of mine. Is his hand cold or is mine warm?

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm cold," I mutter under my breath.

He puts his phone away and gets in bed, pulling the covers over me as he holds me close to him. I close my eyes as I bury my face in his chest, feeling his warmth engulf me. And before I know it, it fades to black again.


I open my eyes, and Taehyung's not beside me. The sun is setting, painting the room a warm orange. I feel something cold on my forehead, so I reach a hand and grab a damp cloth. I set it on the bedside table, beside a bowl filled with water and ice.

The bedroom door swings open, and Taehyung walks in carrying a tray. His eyes widen once he looks at me and he sets the tray down beside the bowl.

"You're up." He puts a hand on my forehead. "You need to eat. You haven't had anything all day long. I made soup."

He helps me sit up, and sets the tray on my lap before sitting on the side of the bed and keeping his gaze on me.

"Stop staring while I'm eating," I say, my voice coming out hoarser than I expected.

He lets out a small chuckle, his cheek pressed against his palm as his elbow rests on his leg.

"What?" I ask, bringing a spoonful to my lips.

"Nothing," He replies, "You suddenly fainted this morning. And you had a high fever. But now you're... you."

I raise an eyebrow. "I'm not sure what that means, but it's nice to know you were worried about me."

"I wasn't worried," He interjects quickly, sitting up straight.

"Yeah, right." I avert my gaze to the band-aid on his temple. "How's your head?"

"Ah." He touches his wound. "It's just a small cut. I still don't know howㅡ"

"About that," I talk over him, clearing my throat, "Thatㅡ That's on me. I'm sorry."

He brings his eyebrows together in confusion. "What?"

"I pushed your head and it hit the table," I admit, taking another spoonful, "I didn't mean it."

"You're lucky you're sick right now, or you would be dead," He says with a threatening tone, but his lips twitch into a smile.

I look down at my soup, stirring it unthinkingly as my mind drifts to last night's events.

"Say, Tae," I start, "Do you, uh, remember last night?"

"No. Why?"


He laughs, and I look up at him.

"Just kidding." He scoots closer to me. "I remember. You said you liked me too much."

I look back at my soup, feeling my face growing warmer and I don't know if it's the fever or his words.

"I don't remember it like that," I say, "I remember you saying you like me."

"And if I do?" He leans forward and tilts his head so he's looking me in the eyes.

I shrug. "I wish I could say something cool, but my brain is literally frying right now."

He laughs, pulling away. I push the tray away, and he takes the cue and picks it up, setting it aside. I lie down on bed as Taehyung pulls the covers over me.

"I would kiss you but honestly, I don't want to get sick either," He says, leaning over and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Then I hope I get better quickly," I reply as he intertwines our fingers together.

"I'll wait," He says.

I close my eyes and drift to sleep with his hand in mine.

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