Ch16: The Gift

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On my back home from work, I decide to stop by Taehyung's workplace first. He had told me where he worked; a small convenience store close from home where he handled the register. I sneak a peek inside through the glass window, and I smile when I see Taehyung standing behind the register, aimlessly scrolling through his phone screen.

The bell rings as I push the store's door open, but he doesn't seem to care as he keeps his eyes glued to his phone. I grab the opportunity and walk further inside the shop where he doesn't see me. Heading to the freezers, I take two cans of beer and walk back to the cashier where I place the cans on the counter. Without sparing a glance my way, Taehyung scans the cans.

He starts putting them in a plastic bag. "That'll beㅡ"

"I don't have money."

His ears perk up at the sound of my voice, and he looks up at me with wide eyes like a deer caught in headlights.

"Hey, mister," I say, resting my elbows on the counter and leaning towards him, "I couldn't help but notice you looking so fine here in the corner, so I was wondering if you wanna grab some drinks with me?" 

He catches onto my game quickly as he licks his lips and smiles slyly, leaning forward so our faces are inches apart.

"Why would I go on a date with someone who can't even pay for some beer?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Don't be like that." I tilt my head. "When do you finish your shift?"

"I got two more hours," He murmurs softly, his voice barely above a whisper, "Will you wait?"

"For a handsome man like you? I would wait forever."

"You need to work on your pick-up lines before asking handsome men out," He taunts.

"Aw, c'monㅡ"

I'm interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat, and Taehyung and I turn our heads in surprise to the elderly woman beside me whom we failed to notice because we were too busy flirting.

"I'm sorry," I mutter quickly as I dig through my bag for some cash to pay for the beer.

"You're good." She places milk bottles on the counter. "Hope your date goes well with your boyfriend."

I hand Taehyung the money. "Oh, he's not myㅡ"

"Thank you," Taehyung cuts me off, his words directed to the old lady as he politely smiles at her and scans her stuff, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

The woman pays and leaves while I stand still in place, face flushed as I hold the plastic bag with the beers in my hands. My eyes lock with Taehyung's and we smile at each other before breaking out into laughter.

"Well," I say after my laughter dies down, "I should go now."

"I thought you'd wait for me?" He smirks, crossing his arms. "Your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" I echo back sassily, "I don't know about that. I don't think you've earned that title yet."

He raises his eyebrows. "Yet?"

"I'll give you a chance to do it properly."

He nods. "Alright. How about you go home, relax a bit, and after my shift is over, I'll pick you up and take you somewhere?"


"I don't know where I expected you to take me, but definitely not here," I say as Taehyung drags me inside an ice skating rink.

"Ice skating is best in winter, and winter is almost over, so." He shrugs, gliding smoothly backwards on the ice as he holds my arms tightly, leading me towards the centre.

"I can't skate."

"I can tell."

"Shut up, where did you even learn how to skate?"

"The woman that took me in when I was twelve used to take me skating a lot." He lets go of one hand and leads me with the other. "I think it was her son's hobby or something like that."

"Is she still alive?" I ask.

"No idea," He shrugs again, "Anyway, do you think you can keep up?"

He suddenly lets go of my hand and glides away, and I stand stiffly in place as a string of curses escapes my mouth before I realise it. Taehyung laughs mockingly as he circles around me.

"Move!" He yells.

"I can't!" I shout back as my legs shake.

"One step at a time." He stops a distance away from me, far enough to not reach him, but close enough to clearly see his evil smile.

I take in a breath and slide one foot forward, and then the next, but my foot slips outwards and I flail my arms around, losing balance. I brace myself for the impact of the fall, but Taehyung reaches for me and I let out a yelp as I fall and take him with me. We fall sideways, our shoulders colliding with the cold ground.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks as he stands back up and stretches a hand to me.

I look up at him from where I'm lying on my back. "I want to go home"

He chuckles. "Already? You didn't even receive your gift yet."

I sit up and take his hand. "What gift?"

"Ah, have I piqued your interest?" He pulls me up until I'm steady on my feet.

"Absolutely," I admit shamelessly.

He holds me with one hand, the other digging through his pocket as he pulls out a small rectangular box with a ribbon. Smiling proudly, he hands it to me. I accept it, carefully letting go of his hand so I can open the box. I take off the lid to reveal a thin silver bracelet with little butterflies hanging from it.

"Wow," I gush, feeling my face grow hot, "It's beautiful."

"I got my first paycheck today so I thought I'd get you something," He says shyly, scratching his nape awkwardly, "I was afraid you wouldn't like it."

"I love it," I giggle like an idiot, "But you should've saved your money instead of buying me stuff. Now that you have a job, you're gonna start paying rent."

Taehyung scoffs, tilting his head to the side in disbelief.

"What? You really thought I'd let you live in my apartment rent-free?"

"Yeah." He nods, "I'm confident you won't charge me for rent."

"And why is that?"

He puts a hand on my waist, pulls me closer, and my breath hitches.

"Because you like me too much," He whispers in my ear.

I pull my face back and stare at his eyes, getting lost in their chocolate hues.

"I do." 

He glances at my lips as I say these words, then he leans in to plant a kiss on my lips.

"Did I earn the boyfriend title yet?" He asks as he pulls back.

I lock my eyes with his. "You did."


A/N: Yes it took 3 books for them to kiss and what about it

A/N: Yes it took 3 books for them to kiss and what about it

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I can't write romance or kiss scenes leave me alone

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