Reki headcannons

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Reki loves it when someone (Langa) sits in his lap because he finds it comforting.

If someone get hurt Reki will always have spare bandages/plasters in his bag.

Reki loved playing minecraft and will always ask the group to play with him if they're free.

Reki's favourite food is pizza and will always ask for it if he and the group orders a takeaway.

Reki will have a big pinboard and it will have pictures of miya and the group, it will also mainly have pictures of Langa and notes that they have written in class.

Reki will always talk about how short Miya is and Miya hates it but he never tells him to stop.

Reki will always want to play truth or dare with the group, however he's gullible and will always go through with the dares that he is given.

Whenever Langa speaks Canadian Reki will ask Carla to translate it.

Reki will make separate playlists for each members of the group and none of them complain about it

In texting Reki will never put 'you' or 'are' as he will replace them with 'U' and 'r'

He will have different and though out names for each members of the group.
Miya - small bean
Langa - Canadian Prince
Cherry - pinkie pie
Joe - broccoli milkers
Shadow - scary mf

He always replies within a few minutes after receiving a text and the same goes for calls.

He will sometimes spam Langas phone with love heart emojis if Langas busy so he know that Reki is waiting for him to respond because he would rather spam emojis then words.

Reki will just randomly message Langa in the middle of the night asking if he's awake to see if he want to hang out with him.

Every month he will ask Langa to dye his hair for him however the colour he always asks for is the same colour as he was born with, he would just state that "his roots were dark"

Reki will make a new playlist for Langa every week and it would include songs like:
'Line without a hook'
'We fell inlove in October'
'Boys will be bugs'
And other songs like that.

The group will watch horror movies together every Friday and they take in turns to pick the movie, however Reki always wants to watch 'cloudy with a chance of meatballs' while Miya always claim it's not a horror film, Reki thinks otherwise.

Langa would always play with Reki's hair as he sits between his thighs in the floor, they both sit there in silence while Langa listen to Reki humming your favourite song.

Whenever the group go to 'S' they won't be crowded together but they will stay in the same area as they don't want people thinking they all are "best friends" even if they actually are.

Reki would always take Langa out for meals a few times every month and they would always go to Joe's restaurant.

Him and Langa swap and do each others Japanese and English homework (it's the only reason they're passing)

His school notebook is filled with more doodles than work.

Him and Miya had to explain what WAP was to Langa and it failed miserably.

He stares at Langas reflection in the window during class.

His camera roll it full of pictures of him and Langa and random pictures of Miya as he liked to steal Reki's phone and spam it with photos.

He also has random photos of sunsets from the skatepark.

He has ADHD and stims when he gets exited.

Him and Langa FaceTime every night and Reki is the one who falls asleep every time but Langa loves it.

Really bad at dancing but he tries his best.

He little figurines of his favourite cartoon characters from when he was a little kid and refuses to get rid of them.

His room his always messy followed by a monster gun that he and langa made years ago which they still have.

His laces are always undone and he constantly trips over them which Miya makes fun of him for.

He made Langa and matching headband as a present for his birthday.

Can't cook and whenever he and Langa stay over together Langa is the one who has to cook dinner for them.

He hates getting tickled but will immediately do it to someone if they say that they are/arent ticklish.

He would make 'ur mom' and 'deez nuts' jokes all the time and everyone tells him to stop but he never does.


Okay I know this was really short and bad but this is my first time writing headcannons and rn I'm finishing up a big story about Reki x Langa which should be done soon so I just wanted to quickly post this before.

I will do each character and probably add more to this section after it's published

Anyways have a good day/night

Words: 825

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