Langa headcannons

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Langa will allow Reki younger sisters to play with his hair and put it into braids.

Langa hates the heat so every time the group ask him to go out (in the summer) he will either only go if there's water involved or won't go at all.

Langa isn't good with emotions so everyone Reki would make a scarcastic joke Langa wouldn't get it and just tilt his head.

When Langa got mad (which was rarely) he would always mumble to himself in Canadian and Reki would love it.

Langa is a really light sleeper and one time he woke up by the sound of cats fighting outside.

Langa's morning voice is; what Reki would describe as "croaky and hot" however Langa new what that meant.

Langa hates waking up in the morning and if Reki would try to move him, he would just grumble and turn over.

Reki and Langa have matching rings and Langa bought them as a promise ring.

Langa would often have conversations with himself in Canadian and Reki would ask Carla to translate it for him.

One time Cherry walked in on Langa and Carla having a full on conversation in Canadian but Cherry didn't question it.

Miya once suggested to Langa to buy roses for Reki for a valentines gift so while Langa have Reki flowers, Reki was just confused as Langa wouldn't het him anything apart from a sappy speech.

Langa would use a lot of ':)' in his texts and he claims it's his way of expressing his emotion.
(I mean you can't really imagine Langa typing a whole sentence in caps unlike Reki)

Langa has a matching bracelets with Reki however Langa's is the gay flag and Reki's in the bisexual one.

Langa had a whole phase of trying to figure out his sexuality and pronouns while Reki was just stood there knowing what it was just by the way Langa acts.

Langa really likes flowers and would stop by Hiromi's (Shadow) store to buy some.

Langas favourite anime are husky's because he used to have one when he lived back in Canada.

When Langa got back home from school he would always have random doodles on his arm from when Reki would draw on him when he got bored in class.

Langa hates spicy food while Reki loves it so they would always fight about if it was good or not.

Langa sleeps with a stuffed bear that his dad got him when he was younger.

Langa has a massive fear of the dark so he would sleep with a star shaped nightlight that Reki got him for his birthday.

Langa would say "i love you" to Reki in English so Reki wouldn't know what he was saying.

Langa used to have a hamster names 'chip' when he was younger but he died due to the dog eating him (lol) so now if Reki suggested getting a pet Langa would always deny getting another hamster.

His favourite season would be winter but due to Reki he started to like Autumn more.

He loves snails and one time ran over a snail while skating and was sad for the entire day because of it.

Fainted when him and Reki dissected frogs in biology

Has a pet rat named 'Oliver' after his dad.

Is a dog person and him and Miya fight about which one is better.

Likes to hold Reki's hand when they're walking.

Loves rain and always wants to sit out in it.

Listens to 'Rebels' and 'Record Player'

Is actually really good at singing and rapping but doesn't do it much.

Has dark rooms and Reki helps him dye it.

He has an unhealthy obsession with ice cream and would always get the mint chocolate chip one with Reki if they had the chance.

He loves reading books and would talk about them in English to Reki and Reki would always act like he knew what Langa was saying because he didn't want to act like he didn't care.

He has a secret obsession with painting and one time he would stay up all night painting Reki.

He loves frogs with mushroom hats.
(Yea that's it)


Damn this one was really fun to right- I kin langa sm and yes I did add renga into this one because like- who's Langa without Reki

Next is Miya

Anyways have a good day/night

Words: 735

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