Shadow headcanons

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Will let Joe take Cherry Blossoms for free so he can give them to Cherry.

Diy's a lot of his clothes.

Never admit it but is super protective over Reki, Langa and Miya.

Acts like he hates it when Miya, Langa and Reki call him old but actually loves it.

Felt bad for burning Reki's board so they bought him stickers.

Loves lunch punk rock and metal.

Bisexual and uses he/they pronouns.

After he got rejected he saw Manager Oka and fell in love again.

Has stims but tries to hide them.

His favourites song is 'sex with a ghost' and everyone is confused why but they don't ask.

Evertime someone brings up Adam, Shadow always calls him 'Sonic'

Always falls for the 'Joe mama' and 'deez nuts' jokes that Joe and Reki make but instead he just says 'ur mom'

His favourite word is 'bro' and says it in every sentence.

He stopped doing the face with the tounge and rock hands after Miya told him he looked like the gagging cat meme.

He has 2 turtles called 'spike' and 'rock'

Shadow hates bugs and once he saw a spider on the wall and let out the most high pitched scream the group had heard before and from then on they always pranked him with fake bugs.

He laughs when he steps on a snail and it dies.

Shadow tried to get Reki and Langa to go on a skate date once and it actually worked.

Tried to dye his hair black but hated it so he wore a hat until it faded out.

Brings Oka flowers from his shop and once he got caught by Reki and Langa when they came to work.

Has a entire photo album of pictures of the group when they won races at 'S'

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