Joe headcanons

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His favourite food is KFC.

Tried to grow a beard once but hated it so he shaved it off.

When he gets angry he shouts in Italian and Cherry loves it.

Used to play basketball in high school.

Babysits Miya once and a while and is terrible at it.

Tried calligraphy to impress Cherry and it was horrible but Cherry gave him a A for effort.

Corrects people when they don't use the correct punctuation in texting.

Overworks himself a lot and Cherry tells him off for it.

Him and Cherry got matching tattoos.

He convinced Cherry to get piercings.

Loves slow dancing.

Famous on Tik tok.

Gets called an old man by miya a lot.

Loves hugs.

Is really good at singing but won't admit it.

Listens to songs like:
'Not your girl'
'Transparent soul'

Favourite band is queen.

His favourite animal is actually a gorilla.

Makes 'Joe mama' jokes a lot hence why his name is Joe.

Whenever Cherry asks Joe to hand him his glasses he always touches the lenses on purpose.

Blasts music in his car while he's driving.

The first time he got pulled over he tried to flirt with the officer to try and get out of it.

Reki called him 'broccoli head' once and Joe got very offended.

Makes Cherry mad on purpose then gets mad when he doesn't talk to him.

Uses He/Him pronouns.

He chose 'Joe' for his name at 'S' so he could make 'Joe mama' jokes.

Writes little post it notes and sticks them on the fridge for Cherry when he gets up.

Joe has a loud dad sneeze which scares Reki.

Joe and Shadow are gym bros.

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