Ch 2 (ignore)

142 4 7

-Germanys POV-

Soon others are here, and last to enter is EU.

"Thank you all for coming to the  meeting today" EU started "The topic we will be discussing today is, well, we don't have one UN just required me to host this meeting, why he doesn't do it himself idk. So just discuss things with each other and bother me as little as possible. I don't care what you do just don't destroy your relationships or this union and for the sake of the world don't start any damn wars" with that he walked into the back room.

"That was new" a French accented country says beside me. "Yes he would normally just yell at us, or complain we are not doing are job well" I say "no one asked you Germany" Poland said from my other side. I swear Poland is going to annoy me to death. I choose to just ignore him as there really is no point in getting worked up because of something so trivial.

So here I am. Sitting. Waiting. Not really doing anything, i thought about leaving a few times but it would not be a good idea. NATO stands outside the door and if we leave we will get in trouble though he can't hear inside the meeting room. 'Like seriously why is he standing there like some damn gargoyle' doesn't he have work to do?

Apparently only when we are there

"So do you think you will follow your father to the grave?" Poland once again tries to piss me off with some stupid shit "no, and no one asked you to speak" I quickly respond because getting involved is not what I am here to do. Poland is starting to rant about how and why I will follow in his path talking about things like D.N.A, how I was raised, or something like that. "Shut up Poland" he is starting to give me a headache. Poland is giving me a face of annoyance before saying "you know Germany if you would just listen, people wouldn't hate you as much as they do" "what do you mean not many countries actually hate me, fool" probably shouldn't have added the end.
Poland just snickers at this "you sure, hell what do you even know about your family other then your dad?". I don't understand why he had to mention that as it had nothing to do with what we were talking about, but sure go ahead Poland. 

I just turn away, I don't need to listen to his crap anymore. But he was right at least the second part. I don't know anything about my family, my dad never told me anything. And after he died I guess I just never cared to learn more I never had a reason too, not like any country would know.

You think my dad would tell the countries he wants to take over things about his family? NO

The last thing I was ever told was that there was some flower that has something to do with Prussia or someone before Prussia honestly I don't care who, it was said to hold something that would help the finder. but I was also told only someone from our family can get it, but thats stupid if you ignore the fact that were countries and basically shouldn't exist, magic does not happen in this world, more or less, there is magic, but it has been lost for hundreds of years, Britain barely remembers having magic at one point. 

then again finding something like that would be interesting

~time skip~

The meeting Finally ends, I swear it went on for ever. not really it was like 3 hours. I walk out of the meeting room and start walking down the hall passing some human janitors and office workers. you would think our existence as countries would be secret and not public knowledge but no. 

I get out of the building and walk to the parking lot watching some countries get into their cars to get back to their homes. I sprout my wings again, them being sore from being stuffed into my back,  I quickly start flying up. I feel the wind rush past and into me.  I breath out, i have always loved flying it makes me feel just happy I don't need a reason to love it, i just do.  i am about a hour or so away from home now.  I close my eyes to just feel the wind.

when I  open my eyes next i am heading straight towards a random tower. I panic and try to stop and turn around or to the side but I was too slow and hit the tower last thing I see is the ground coming closer.

- CH 2 is done that took forever i don't know the words count and i don't care  :D but i finished and i am happy about that I will eventually update again-

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