Ch 4 (Ignore)

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-if you can't tell, I love the dude in the picture he is amazing
and sorry for not uploading I kinda forgot about the story but now I am back :D-
-Lizard -

Germany POV

Once I get out of the attic, I go down the hall to my Väter office I start thinking 'what am I even looking for, a clue I know, but how the hell would I know what the clue is I start to fiddle with the necklace I wear, I normally hate jewelry but this is the one I will wear, it's a family heirloom but I never saw dad wear it, he thought it was unnecessary, though I think he had it in his pocket. 

I get into his office and well not as much dust as the attic, but a thin layer on everything

I go over to his desk and open one of the drawers, pens not that exiting but now i know where to look if i need one.  I close the drawer and open the next one, notes on war things new weapons and other things and papers that no one wants to read.  the most annoying thing is that his writing can be such a pain to read, he has the smallest writing I have ever seen. 

I opened the last drawer, having to get down on my knees, there was a gun, book, first aid and a photo.  I remember this photo, it was the time me and Russia were messing around with swords when I ended up falling into a pit in a random cave filled with water, once they had gotten me and the sword out they took just a picture of us, me being soaking wet and pouting and Russia having the time of his life. I remember hating this photo always wanting to get rid of it but Third said he would keep it as he says, there should be at least one embarrassing photo of everyone.

I quickly get up after hearing Bavaria yelling for me. I leave the office and go downstairs. "what"  I quickly say.  "You have a call, and you left your phone down here."  he gives me my phone and walks off to the kitchen. I answer the  phone "Hallo, I don't hear from you very often" Which is true he doesn't call that often usually its his brother, wait this is his brothers number why is he calling with his phone. "Hello Germany, sorry about the sudden call and it not being from my own phone, sorry" I hear the Canadian say "it's alright, do you need something or are you just here to say hi?"  I ask .

"OH right, America has been granted permission by UN to throw a party. and he wants to invite you but he is currently out buying things so he left me in charge of calling people and inviting them, but he kinda took my phone by mistake and left his phone here so i kinda have to use his phone." He says rather quickly, I think about it, "who else is coming?" " uh i have a list saying, all of Europe basically, he also invited Russia, China and you know those ones too but he expects them to say no. mostly whoever he wants really which is almost everyone. I have NZ and Australia helping me call, I also asked France and South Korea To help. I was wondering if you could help too, you were closer to Russia  when you two were younger so i was wondering if you would call him for us. Only if you're comfortable doing such." 

well that was a lot, did he even breath during that tiny rant? I don't know.  " sure I'll call but when is the party? also why not just text or email everyone it?"  " next week, and I think Ame just wants to do it by calling rather then a text that be looked over. thank you, have a good day, bye thank you again" I can basically hear him smiling threw the phone " you too" I hear him hang the phone up, once in silence I sigh. 

I'll call Russia and ask him to come though I don't think he will want to, China will most likely say he is too busy doing something, NK probably wont even pick up the phone. 

Russia... it has been a while since we last talked, well we did talk at like meetings and diplomatic, but never really just catch up. we never really talked even before the re-unification, him and East didn't have the best relationship, East didn't like to talk and just ignored almost everyone, but he was genuinely caring just scared that he would get in trouble for talking to one of Soviets kids. I don't know how I would feel about talking to him if he still hated me. 

I call Russia and just wait for him to pick up or ignore me. 

 "Привет Germany, why are you calling."  

- HIIII sorry its been a while i have been buys, sorryyy i will try and update more often  :DD have  a good life.-


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