Chapter 1&2 Re-write.

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~ HELLO, i am currently working on Chapter 5, but before so I am going to do re-write of my previous chapters to update a few things I didn't like :] like always any suggestions or critiques are welcomed. I hope you enjoy~ 

~Rock Lizard


Opening his eyes he looks towards the clock reading 6:29 AM hitting a button to stop the alarm from going off. Sitting up he grabs his phone looking at his schedule.

A meeting with members of the EU at 8:00, supposedly ending at 10 but that depends on what they're discussing. He has some other documents to look over and sign but mostly has a clear day.

Standing he puts on his suit, minus the jacket, tossing his night clothes on a nearby chair, he'll clean it later. Going downstairs he brushes his hand against a photo of him and Weimar. He meets with Berlin who is standing in the kitchen. "Guten Morgen, Berlin, München, Saarland, Hamburg." He waves while sitting down at the table, Berlin glances over his shoulder towards him "Guten Morgen, Germany.

How did you sleep?" the other 3 wave to him going about whatever they were talking about prior, shrugging as he rubs his eyes "I slept fine. I'm still a bit tired." Berlin hums "well no shit. You went to bed at 4:53 AM." groaning he puts his head on the table "I know I know, i'm working on it."

He opens up his emails to see if he needs to add anything else to his schedule when a plate of eggs, bread and salami (kinda odd combo but I like it :3 ) next is a cup of coffee. "Oh i'm good-" "Eat." Berlin's tone leaves no room to argue, he places plates of food for the others to take and 3 pots of coffee. Looking down he eats slowly waiting for his coffee to cool, drinking it rather quickly and taking a few more cups.

Once finished Germany gets up and grabs his bag and jacket stepping outside. The meeting is taking place in Brussels and so not far. He spreads his wings and takes off, he remembers a conversation he had with Berlin once before about why only some countries have wings. Thinking that someone in their family tree must have mated with a bird or something. Or perhaps life just favors them.

After a 30 minute flight he lands outside the office building. Pulling in his wings he walks inside, quickly making his way towards the conference room. Entering the room he acknowledges Slovenia and Slovakia who welcome him. He goes to sit in his designated seat between France and Poland. Over the next 30 minutes the rest of the EU members enter and take their seats. Waiting for the EU to arrive to start the meeting.

Once the EU enters he stands at the front of the table as the small chatter dies down.

"Thank you all for joining me today. This meeting will last 2 hours or until you all leave. The UN wanted me to host this meeting for no particular reason. I will be in my office, you will discuss future meetings, plans and trades you wish to do with each other. Whatever you do, don't start a war. Thank you" Eu finishes with a tight smile. He walks out of the meeting room going back to his office.

Once he leaves, some conversations start, some switching seats to talk to specific nations. France chuckles, catching his attention, France leans his head on his hand "that was something, I guess the UN was on his ass about the recent lack of meetings." France rolls his eyes "annoying isn't it, I could be getting a smoke or drink. I missed getting my hair done." chuckling at his friend's annoyance, he leans back "shouldn't you be focusing on your work rather than your hair? I mean... you already look amazing." France looks at him, giving him a judgemental look "what, and be like you? Mr. I refuse to take care of myself? Also thank you for the compliment darling." France winks at him.

"I...sorry." Germany fumbles with his hands, France hums before turning to talk to Belgium. Sighing he puts his head in his hands, he overhears Poland complaining to Hungary about how many meetings and paperwork he has to do. He huffs mumbling "Maybe if you actually did your work instead of whining about it, you would actually complete some." Poland stops "pardon?" sitting up he glances at Poland "nothing." Poland turns fully towards him "sure, nothing. Honestly, I don't know why you insist on talking. No one and I mean no one cares or wants to hear your opinion." Germany stiffens, but chooses not to respond, not wanting to waste the energy on something this trivial. "You're as silent as the rest of your family. You might as well join them now rather than later. Your family's stories all end the same, you will be no different." Balling his hands he looks at Poland "Shut up, my father was a despicable nation. But don't ever compare me or anyone else in my family to him." Poland nods his smile remaining.

"You sound so confident in the fact that your family were good people. There's your problem Germany, you don't listen. Maybe if you did your opinion would matter and people would take you seriously. Honestly, if you listened then you would know that your family are all the same and you are too." feeling a headache coming Germany wants to close this conversation quickly "I know my family-" "Do you? Do you really? You are the child of the Third Reich, do you really believe that your vision of your family isn't influenced by him? Hell, do you really not think that your mind and morals are the same as your fathers? Because here's a hint. They are and you are. You know nothing of your family or yourself, you'll follow them to the grave." Poland gives him a sympathetic look "food for thought."

Germany sits there, watching as Poland turns around and continues his chat with Hungary. Some countries are looking at him. However, their faces are blurry, any noise fading in and out. A ringing piercing his thoughts as it replays Poland's words over and over.


~Thank you for reading :D it means a lot and I hope you like it~

~Rock Lizard

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