Ch 3 (Ignore)

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-Germany's POV-

slowly I open my eyes, every-things a blur as I sit up 'what happened- wait' I flew into a tower that's what happened.  I stand up quickly cracking my neck and back. I look at my watch to see how long I was knocked out, '12:23', I was out for an hour and a half Berlin is going to give me so much hell over this. I hear my phone give a ping sound, I take it out of my pocket magically it's not broken or cracked. I have 9 missed calls and 84 missed messages from Berlin 

"shit"  I groan as I know when I get home I am going to get a big lecture on why I should tell them where I am or going.  I move my wings around as they hurt from the fall and I start to fly again. The wind felt so nice even if it hurt a bit, my mind wanders back to what Poland said again and about that stupid flower. if Weimar was here he would be able to tell me, Opa would have told him and dad, but I wouldn't want to ask my Vater not like I can. I wonder if there is anyone in my family who would know about it or something. not Switzerland. Austria? maybe, but he was never really told anything. any one of my states? but how much would they tell them. 

why did they tell no one, all it does is make it impossible to be found or heard about, you would think they would have someone who they trusted enough to tell about it but nope.. maybe but I can't just go asking around I don't know what i would even say ' hey look i'm trying to find this flower thing from my family years and years and years ago do you happen to have been told about it?' Alright maybe that wasn't correct and would make zero sense and who the hell says that without sounding weird. 

Maybe if I look around my house more, I did renovate the house but I left some places alone, my fathers office, the attic, and the basement. I can start there.  

I land in front of his house not his. not anymore. I open the door only to be met with a spoon flying into the wall  "Get back here Bavaria give me my damn soup back!" yelled Berlin 'at least he is distracted I can just -' "welcome back Germany" the Berliners voice interrupts my thoughts. Berlin is looking at me with the most pissed off expression I have seen from him at least.  I am in for a big old lecture.

-time skip for like 2 hours later- 

I was finally let free when Berlin had to go to a meeting, if he didn't I would have been stuck here all day. that would suck as I have places I need to look, I go up stairs to the attic though my fathers office would most likely be the place with the answers but I want to be sure. 

Once i get up the stairs I try to open the door but it won't open like something got it stuck.... or maybe I should check the lock on the door. I turn the lock on the door and it clicks. 'well now I feel stupid'  I take a second to pout at the fact I didn't check the lock on the door. I step into the room only to be met by dust, dust and more dust. "we need to clean this place out more often" I mumble. 

I trudge threw the dust and dirt and passed boxes that were like 3 years old, so defiantly not them. besides the only reason a clue could be up here is if dad or the states moved anything which i'm unsure if they did, i'm pretty sure all this is the German Empire's stuff anyways. I quickly take a look threw some boxes and yup i'm right this is all the German Empires stuff. Swords, helmets, old timey guns, uniforms, jewels stuff like that. not much of intrigue. 

I get up and brush off my clothes which are now no longer black but a dark grey now i'll defiantly have to wash these today. I get out of that dusty attic and send a message to Berlin that he needs to clean out the attic. only to be told to do it myself. 

Next my dads office also probably covered in dust.

- uh bye bye until the next time i decide to post :D soo uh bye? have good day night or whatever. if it is night sleep well. or don't your choice. be annoyed at this book? sure its bad :D but it was fun.- 

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