Night Ride

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"You want me to what?"

"Restrain me. You must tie me down."

Emery was horrified at the request. "What are you talking about? I need your help! Why would I tie you up?"

Cathbad pushed through the cabin door and threw the coyote carcass into the circle with his other artifacts. "We haven't the time to argue. For all my learning, I am ignorant of so much! Do you not see that Evil has arrived? He has turned the men from the inside! He will not attack our exterior but will turn us against one another. And I cannot allow myself to be turned against you, Emery. I could do great harm."

"Well what about me? What if--what if I do something to you?"

The druid faced her, looking wild in his current lack of attire. He was glistening with sweat, likely from being wrapped in that cowhide. "That would be far preferable to the alternative. I am of little value, but if you are harmed . . . I dare not think on it. The Knights and I have one duty, and that is to protect you. It would serve nothing if I lived and you did not."

"But--but what do I do? You have powers! How could I possibly restrain you? And Cat, I need you. What will I do if you can't help me? Evil will come, and I have no clue what to do!"

"Mayhap I can send you back to your home first." He groaned in immense frustration. "By Gods how foolish I've been! I thought bringing you farther from our place of origin would prevent Evil from nearing you, but all it's done is brought him to the rest of us and made us impotent! He seems able to follow you, perhaps has gained in strength. Sending you home might be even more dangerous . . . I just do not know! But I am certain that I am at risk of harming you if you leave me be--"

A car horn honked, and Emery spun about to see two cars pull into the drive. Both relieved and dismayed at the arrival of her friends, the girl took off jogging toward them. The lighting was poor--only the glow from the frozen fire and the moonlight above enabled her to make out Tess and Charlie and Xavier, Liam, and Natlya as they exited their cars.

"What are you all doing here?" Emery cried, approaching them.

Unaware of the severity of the situation, Tess waved her friendly wave, smiled her cute smile, and caught sight of Emery's expression as she reached them. "What is it? What's the matter?" she asked.

But Liam's frightened words rang out: "What's wrong with them? They're not moving!" She knew he'd spotted the warriors.

And then Xavier's voice added, "What's up with the trees? Talya, you see that?"

Charlie moved in front of his sister and right to Emery. "What's going on? Why didn't you tell us? We're supposed to help!"

"I don't know!" Emery cried, beginning to panic. "It just happened so fast. Cat said Evil is here, and the trees--"

"It's a forest fire!" Natalya yelled over them, waving her hands at the distant trees, which appeared to be lit bright red down to their roots and beginning to emit wisps of black.

"No, no it's not!" yelled Emery to all of them, attempting to reign in everyone's scattered attention. "It's something really bad. You've all got to get out of here. I've got Cat, so I'll be fine. Please, just leave me--"

"Like hell we will. You're coming back with us." Charlie grabbed hold of her arm.

As wise as it might have been to hop into a car and zip out of camp, Emery wasn't having it. Perhaps it was her concern for the druid, or maybe it was her desire to just get this over with . . . or it might even have been the fact that Charlie was trying to tell her what to do, and she wanted to make her own decisions. Pulling her arm from him, she snapped, "No! I told you to go! I'm staying here."

Tír na nÓg Trilogy, Book I: The Trials of CuchulainWhere stories live. Discover now