Chapter 3: To Whatever End

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Yuna hadn't attended many parties with Tidus by her side. In fact, this was kind of a big deal for them. It was the first semi-formal gathering they were invited to as a couple. And she wanted it to be memorable. Luckily, she had the perfect little-black-dress in her closet that she'd received a few months back as a gift from Rikku for her twentieth birthday. Together with a pair of open-toed heels and her hair swept into an updo—and Yuna had achieved the sexy-posh-look she'd been aiming for. As for Tidus... Well, he never looked more handsome than he did in those black, dress-pants and the royal-blue, button-down shirt he'd picked up a month ago in Bevelle.

"Are you sure this is the location of the venue?" Yuna asked, cautiously peeking around the side of what looked like an abandoned building. The cool night air sent a chill right through her. Shivering, she hugged her arms, and began to sway her body from side-to-side in an effort to keep warm.

"Rikku said it was the rave building in the lower district." Tidus pressed an ear against the steel doors. "I could've sworn this was the place."

"If you have to do that then we're definitely not at the right location. This isn't the only rave building in the lower district. You know that, right?"

"Guys—over here!" A firm, female voice bellowed from somewhere behind.

Yuna turned and spotted Paine waving them over from across the street in front of a building identical to the one they were at. She almost didn't recognize the female warrior from what she was wearing. A red, strapless, high-low dress with stiletto heels was not her friend's style at all. "Omigosh...she must've lost a bet to Rikku or something."

Tidus chuckled. "Yeah that's not an outfit Paine would be caught dead in. Didn't she burn a dressphere that had an outfit like that in it?"

"It was the lady luck one. And she zapped it with a thunder spell then proceeded to smash it with a hammer."

"Ah, that's right," Tidus recalled with a nod. "She doesn't look half-bad in it. But she doesn't look too happy either."

"How happy would you be if you were put into a dress?"

"Ha! I guess it all depends. I'm down for some kink," he quipped with a smirk.

"Hey!" Yuna playfully backhanded him on the shoulder. "Behave yourself!"

"Aww, c'mon." Resting a protective hand at the small of her back, Tidus gave her his famous grin as he guided her across the street. "What fun is there in that?"

As much as she appreciated her fiancé's sense of humor, he had a tendency to take things a bit too far at times, and had riled both Baralai and Nooj on a few occasions. Yuna may not have known who was on Rikku's guest list, but since Paine was there it was a safe bet that Baralai would be as well. The two, former, Crimson Squad members had finally hooked-up a couple months back and have been inseparable ever since. Hopefully, Tidus had learned by now to stop with the Yevon sympathizer jabs.

"Did you two get lost?" Paine impatiently folded her arms across her chest.

"Tidus insisted the venue was in the other building."

"Figures." Paine snickered. "Blondie was never very good with coordinates. I recall him leading us into a den of fiends the few times he'd joined us on a sphere hunt."

Tidus furrowed his brow at the female warrior then shot a cheeky grin her way. "I see you lost a bet, tonight."

"Tidus!" Yuna scolded.

"I see you wanna get hurt," Paine retorted with a deadpan expression.

"Now, now," Gippal interjected, approaching them from the doorway with his hands held up in protest. "Let's all play nice. Drinks and loud music is right this way." The blond Al Bhed gestured inside the darkened building, booming with techno music, before pausing to straighten his fancy, black and red, pirate-like attire.

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