my own path

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On the next day, I'm back in front of the colosseum and sing. The sunshine keeps me a bit warm and attracts people to go outside. As usual, a few tourists stop, not only to take pictures of the colosseum but also to listen to me.

"Thank you." I say to the guy with long black hair that just generously dropped twenty euros into my guitar case and then sits down on a bench to keep listen.

I let my gaze wander away from the handsome dude and look around to the other pedestrians. That's when I catch a short haired girl waving at me excitedly.

I shake me head with a grin, amused about my best friend fangirling for me.

I take a break in which she comes to the front to talk.

"Hello, little Rock Star." my best friend, Luna teases me.

She likes to call me little or sweet because I'm the short friend. In highschool I always looked fragile in comparison to her, she was taller and already had boobs and butt like no other.

"'Sup dude?" I greet her as well.

"You up for a cup of coffee later?" she asks after we share a tight hug.

"Yes sure! At 4?"

"Sounds fantastic." Luna answers joyfully.

She literally is the kindest human being I know. She's nice, funny, hot and smart. In comparison to me, she's attending a college and studies psychology. Sometimes I can already picture myself lying on the couch in her office, complaining about my life as a housewife and she (like every therapist in movies) would ask me "And how do you feel about that?".

In case you were already wondering why I have such a boring life without a job or that I don't go to highschool. Ever since Fabrizio and I were together it just never came into consideration.

Later, I walk to our favourite coffee place and wait in one of the booths for her. She arrives late as usual but I can't be mad at her because... well, I just can't!

At first we talk about her study and then order our coffees when the waitress comes around.

"No caffeine, are you fucking crazy?" Luna asks after the waitress moves on to the next costumers.

"You know we're trying to have a baby, caffeine wouldn't be good." I explain in a whisper as if I don't like talking about that.

I probably don't.

"Nope, Fabrizio wants to get you pregnant. You are in your early twenties and your boyfriend is already having a midlife crisis."

"Don't say that." I frown because of how rude she is.

"Dude, stop pretending like you care so much! You've never loved him."

I open my mouth to contradict but she holds up her index finger.

"Don't say a word of your stupid ideology, you know real love is out there!"

This situation is so stressful, I have to scratch the back of my head and press my lips together to keep calm.

"I've known it since the day you met Fabrizio and I will say it until your ears fall off." She starts talking with her soft voice.

"This is not you Sofia. You only feel like you have to pay him back somehow because he took care of you and all that shit. You already sound like my grandmother..."

Luna watches me concerned as I twist and turn my ring on my finger nervously.

"I can't stay out that long because Fabrizio has prepared dinner for the both of us. I shouldn't drink alcohol because Fabrizio wants to become a father. Fabrizio doesn't want me to wear lace underwear because it might attract other guys if they see something." she mocks me.

pyromaniac ; Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now