what to do

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The next days, when I play in the streets, every time it gets worse. That's not because of the cold temperatures but more because of a slight depression that starts to take over my mood. After 3 days, I don't go out anymore and simply spend my days cooking, watching tv or cleaning something in Luna's apartment.

Everything seems to be going downhill: I separated from my fiancé, need to find a job and that Victoria-chick has read my dm but not answered. Bitch.

The only good thing I can think of is that one guy with the long hair that listened to me every time I played in the last few days and generously put a few 50€ bills into my guitar case. I don't know if he did it as a joke or really meant it but I think it's kinda funny.

I'm in bed watching love island and chewing on some tobacco because I can't light a cigaret. There were a few incidents where I started to set little snippets of paper on fire. Luna the hid all the lighters. That's when Luna enters the apartment noisily and to my misfortune I can hear more voices, she brought friends.

Quickly, I hide my head under the blanket but it's too late, they already enter the bedroom.

"Enough of this sulking, we're going to a party and you're coming with us!"

"Sorry?" I pretend to not have heard her.

"This is Leo and that's Alessia, they'll help you to pick out an outfit."

"Hello!" the two friends greet me cheerfully.

"Hi..." I greet back with a lot of self consciousness.

"Alright, it's time to start the day, hon." The guy demands.

"Yea, no thanks I'm good." I decline politely believing that this isn't going to work anyways.

That's when I feel my blanket being pulled away. I am left with nothing but a shirt and underwear, exposed to Luna and her stupid friends.

The girl (Alessia, I think) already rummages through the wardrobe and throws things she likes in my direction. In the next moment my best friend hands me a glass of wine which I chug down in one go.

The three others make me try on different outfits until we settle for a pair of red flaired pants, a bralette and a leather jacket.

We leave the apartment and I'm already a bit inebriated. The club is packed and I suddenly feel flashbacks hitting me from the time before I met Fabrizio.

The music makes the floor shake, it smells like sweat and alcohol and I can't help it but actually enjoy the scents. When Alessia asks if I'd like to have a drink, I say no and immediately become a part of the dancing crowd.

Even though I'm dancing alone, I don't feel lonely. I manage to somehow connect to the other people because everyone is feeling the music and is having fun.

I lift my hands in the air, close my eyes and dance to the rhythm. This is what I was missing out on the past years, I realise and shake my head in disbelief. A new song starts playing, it's much more energetic and causes me to move more and shake my whole body.

I feel that I bumped into someone behind me. "My bad!" I apologize, even though they most certainly can't hear it over the music.

I turn to look at the person and check if they're angry. I face a guy in a tight black top, thats the first thing I notice because he is at least a head taller than me. I look up to meet a dark eyes and a face that seems incredibly familiar. He looks down to me with a tiny smile and stops moving to the music as if he is about to say something.

A strand of long hair blocks his sight and he casually blows it away.

Right in that moment no other person than my best friend chimes in by taking my hand.

pyromaniac ; Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now