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"One last time the chorus please, I think we are onto something."

I circle my shoulders backwards for a moment, they are so sore from all the guitar playing. Everyone loosens up a bit before Ethan gives us the cue for our song in progress "Mammamia".

We play the chorus once again and I think it's really good so far. I try to hum a second voice to Damiano's but decide it's probably better the way it is.

The five of us clap when we are finished and all pack our things together to close up the studio and head to our rented house. The last few days we spent a lot of time in the studio and started recording our new song "Mammamia" as well as thinking of other singles and soon also an album.

With Eurovision we have gained a huge audience, the "Beggin'" cover from far before I was in the band is blowing up and stuck on the global charts at the moment. Of course people expect new stuff to come soon and we are absolutely down for it.

I drive with Thomas in his car back to the house we sit in silence, even the radio is off. I guess after all the loud music, we just need a break.

"Are you excited to travel around Europe?" I ask Thomas about our little Europe tour.

After Eurovision we had many requests for interviews and gigs in different countries in Europe so our management decided that we will go next week.

"I don't know yet. I'm looking forward to it, yes, but it's like Måneskin has become such a huge deal all of a sudden and what if we can't keep the music up."

"Thomas don't say that! I know people are expecting a lot from us now but we will keep on doing what we do best. No one can define us, I personally try not to focus on the numbers so much. It's less pressuring."

"Yeah that's true but I don't want this to end. Rock 'n' Roll is my life since I was 13 years old, this is my dream."

I nod knowing how much this means to him. He is right I'm also a bit scared but I try to play it cool like I always did.

We arrive and go inside as the last ones.

It smells good so I guess someone is making dinner already. I enter the kitchen after changing my sneakers for a pair of flip-flops.

"Hi" Damiano greets me abscently as he is texting someone on his phone.

"Hello" I reply and then look to my left where Ethan stands chopping tomatoes while onions are already sizzling on the stove.

"Smells good, what're you making?" I step closer to see what he is doing.

"I'm just putting together a pasta dish with what was left in the fridge. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow." he answers.

"I can come with you..." I suggest without thinking.

There is a short moment of silence.

"Well, if you want to."

"I mean, I don't have to." I take my offer back awkwardly.

"But you can, I don't have a problem with that."

"I mean why would you have to do it alone... the bags are probably heavy..."

I look at Ethan and he stares back at me with an odd look, probably questioning my judgement of his strength.

What are you doing Sofia? I ask myself as I feel the blood pumping up into my head and probably turning my face all shades of red by now.

"Just go with him." Damiano says from behind us to point out it's not a big deal.

pyromaniac ; Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now