Birth of the angel:1

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Michael pov
After finding out that we will have a boy my parents got everything ready they made a nursery for my future baby brother already

Michael povAfter finding out that we will have a boy my parents got everything ready they made a nursery for my future baby brother already

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They added a couch and a bed


(It's used for if rocking you to sleep doesn't work Clara can just sleep with you)

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(It's used for if rocking you to sleep doesn't work Clara can just sleep with you)

The couch

And I see the old man I hate the most my dad

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And I see the old man I hate the most my dad

And I see the old man I hate the most my dad

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William:Enjoying your brothers room?


William:Here's a warning... if I see you bullying him or hurting him I will not hesitate to kill you do you understand you little shit?

I growled at him but I then smirk

Michael:I'm not going to treat him like shit. I'm going to take care of him if you neglect him and he's going to forget all about you and look up to me
I will be surprise of he calls me his Dad oh wait I won't be surprise.

We glare at each other then Elizabeth ran in




The old man ran to my mom to check on her

No one pov

Clara was rushed to the hospital and went to the hospital room William and the others were outside of the room William was worried about his wife and future son the baby was born very early it wasn't supposed to be born until next month. Henry noticed this and put his hand on his best friend shoulder.


William sighed

William:Yes the kid wasn't supposed to be born yet what if the baby comes out messed up what if Clara and the baby dies what i_

Amanda interrupted her child hood friend

Amanda:Relax William Clara and the baby will be fine I promise you that.

William chuckled knowing his friends were right

William:Thanks Guys.

Then a nurse walked out and smiled

Nurse:Y'all can come in.

Everyone walked in the room and they saw Clara holding the most adorable baby boy William went to the bed and looked at the baby in his wife arm's.

William:He's adorable.

He smiles

Clara:He got your brown hair.

The baby opened his eyes they were Green.

William:And he got your beautiful green eyes. Now what should we name the little man?

Clara:How about Jeremy?

Willow:How about Vincent?

Michael's pov

While my parents were busy naming my brother aunt Amanda tapped on my shoulder I turned and looked at her

Amanda:Michael how about you use that name you picked.

Henry:Yes I think it sounds cool.

I nodded

Michael:How about Y/n Afton?

We heard cooing and we looked at the baby who was cooing my mom smiled

Clara:I think he loves it well it's decided Y/n Afton it is.

I go to the hospital bed and y/n grabbed my finger

I looked at my brother he then went to sleep and snuggle in to my motherChest I will protect you

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I looked at my brother he then went to sleep and snuggle in to my mother
Chest I will protect you

Elizabeth pov
I was jealous it was supposed to be me who finger y/n should grabbed not that bully Michael Y/n is mine and only mine

William pov
Welcome to the world y/n if anyone hurts you I will kill them

Norman pov

I'm gonna protect you y/n

Clara pov

I will give you all the love in the world and protect you

Everyone pov
I promise

The end

Ok everyone slightly yandere

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