The wicked horror :7

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4 days until the party

Y/n pov

My birthday was almost here I'm so excited also we have no school me Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie were in my room talking they said that tomorrow night that Nightmare Baby, Demented Fredbear, Nightmare Fredbear will come I better be ready for tomorrow .

Henry pov

Me and William were getting Fredbear and Spring Bonnie ready for Y/n birthday

William:He's gonna love this

I nodded in agreeing

No one pov

Everyone was getting ready for Y/n birthday that is coming up Cassidy and the others were getting him presents Micheal and his friends were getting tickets to get him a Fredbear mask Elizabeth, Charlie and Norman
Were getting him stuff Clara and Amanda were making a cake for him he was going to have the best birthday ever

Y/n pov

Me and my family were eating dinner

Clara:Are you excited sweetie.

I smiled and nodded


William:Me and Henry got the diner ready for your party.

I feel like I get spoiled

Night 4

I got up from my bed and I go to the Hall way I flashed my flash light and saw nightmare bonnet I turned off my flash light and heard a noise I turned on my flash light and saw bonnet on the X she went back to the chair I go back to my room I heard screeching I saw the fredals the nightmare bidybabs and Minirenas they disappeared from my bed . I heard music I went under my bed and kept quiet

N Ballora:🎵Why do you hide under your bed when there music in my hall all I see is a empty room no more empty than a empty tomb 🎵Is someone there ? Don't worry I bite hard.

She left I got up from under my bed

N Freddy:I have always been hiding in your shadow.

I point my flash light at him he ran out of my room I heard nightmare Chica voice

N Chica:Hello Everyone welcome to Hell.

(some girl did a voice of nightmare chica on her brother YouTube channel )

That was creepy I pointed my flash light at her


She left I heard Demented Chica voice

D Chica:Come out Come out wherever you are I can't wait to eat your flesh~

I ran to the right door and closed it she left and I heard Nightmare Ft Freddy


I ran to the left door and saw nightmare bon bon going to me I closed the door just in time

N ft Freddy:Aww what a party pooper.

The clock hit 6:00 am I smiled victory was mine but tonight is going to be the hardest Nightmare Baby, Demented Fredbear, and Nightmare Fredbear are coming I hope I survive

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