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Months later everyone was prepared to bury the person they saw as the source of good, joy, happiness and innocence Y/n Mike Afton . Everyone was getting Ready they were putting on their funeral clothes the girl's were putting on make up while Fritz Michael, Jeremy,William and Henry all put y/n coffin in the back Fritz truck. Meanwhile in Y/n room Clara was holding y/n fredbear plushie she had just lost her youngest son and now she has to bury him Clara lost all her joy and happiness. She continued looking at the Fredbear plushie until William walked in.

William:Clara it's time.

Clara didn't say anything and walked out of the house and in Williams car in the front seat with her kids William just sighed.

William:Why God why did it have to be him...


Oliver Afton was on the podium outside while everyone was sitting down Oliver picked up the microphone.

Oliver:We are gathered here today to honor the loss of Y/n Mike Afton. Before we begin we must pray.

Everyone closed their eyes and looked down.

Oliver:Dear god thank you for delivering Y/n into our lives he was a good kid who changed everyone lives and made everyone happy. We are sad to see him go but we know he'll be with you and he'll always be in our hearts. And thank you Y/n for being in everyone lives and we know that you are watching over us. In the name of Jesus Amen.


Everyone opened their eyes half of them were crying.

Oliver:Before we do the burying of the body does anyone have any words to say?

Clara stand up from her seat and went to the stand Oliver moved to the side handing his daughter in law the microphone.

Clara:Y/n was the best child I ever had. He was always a bundle of joy who believed everyone can do good. He was so innocent and pure always doing good caring for others....

Clara started to tear up.

Clara:A And most importantly h he was my little ball of sun shine. A and I'll m m miss him!

Clara fall to her knees and broke down crying her mother took her to the bathroom.

William got to the stands next.

William:Y/n was the best son a father could have asked for he was the most intelligent person I ever met and I'll always miss him...

William cried a little bit and sat down Clara and her mother returned from the bathroom and sat down next Susie got to the stands next with tears coming out of her blue eyes.

Susie:Y Y/n was the most amazing and nice friend a person could asked for I'll never forget the day we met and I'll miss him.

Susie cried while Cassidy hugged her friend and they sat down the next and final person was Michael

Michael:Y/n was the most amazing baby bro ever I remember how I gave him his name and how his tiny hands grabbed my finger when he was born and I'll miss him...

Michael sat down and Oliver picked up the microphone.

Oliver:Now it's time...

The older males in the audience grabbed y/n coffin and walked downstairs in his custom made grave it was a huge room and they but the coffin inside a small space and William closed the door to the coffin and locks it. Clara cried into William chest tho William in his mind was his sanity breaking that was going to cause pain suffering.

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