the party:11

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🎉0 days until the party🎉

No one pov

Today is y/n birthday Y/n is going to be 6 every one was going Clara smiled at her son who was very happy

Clara:Are you ready?

Y/n nod happily he was going to be 6 and everyone will be going to Fredbears

William:Everyone get in the car we going to Fredbears

Everyone went in the car


Y/n:I love you guys.

He smiled

Everyone:We love you too.

this party will change everyone's life forever.

Y/n pov

We went to fredbears family diner I hold Fredbear I smiled as I  looked at Fredbear

Clara:Ok Kids time to do presents and cake then y'all can play the arcade games.

Kids:Ok Mrs Afton/Auntie

*time skip brought to you by happy birthday song*

Michael:Here's mine.

Y/n opened the present it was a Fred bear mask

Y/n opened the present it was a Fred bear mask

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Y/n hugged Michael


Micheal smiled at his brother

* time skip brought to you by everyone's presents*

Y/n pov

I was playing a arcade game called princess quest that I made you get to play as a princess to survive a from evil bunny I continue to play for 20 minutes until I saw Michael's friend

Maddie:Hey loser.

Y/n:What do you want?

Alex:we want to give you your present.

Y/n:Stop lying.

Jeremy grabbed me I struggled to get out of his grip but it was no used he started to walk to the parts and service I saw the fredbear suit

Jeremy grabbed me I struggled to get out of his grip but it was no used he started to walk to the parts and service I saw the fredbear suit

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(No pupils)

I teared up scared


Jeremy:You heard the little man he wants to see Fredbear up close.

They put me in the suit I was crying I was so scared until I heard something click wait dad said the spring locks will go off if the buttons are click it moisture then I realized that my tears are consider as moisture and liquid.


No one pov

Y/n was interrupted as the mechanical parts started to peirce his flesh he was screaming in pain blood was coming out of the suit he was crying more and more he wanted his parents anyone he wanted to anyone to help him from this death trap the pain got worse and worse.


His screams of pain and suffering was heard by his father William Afton. Michael's friends ran from the scene pretending nothing happened

William pov

I was talking with Henry until I heard a scream but not just any scream it was Y/n!


Everyone noticed this we all ran to where my son was at and then the scream stopped when I opened that door I just saw what will haunt me for the rest of my life

My son blood was dripping on the floor me and Henry got the suit off of him I listen to a heart beat but it was weak and faint I was glad we was alive Clara broke down crying and hold him close

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My son blood was dripping on the floor me and Henry got the suit off of him I listen to a heart beat but it was weak and faint I was glad we was alive Clara broke down crying and hold him close . Amanda grabbed out her phone and called 9 1 1 my mind went crazy images of y/n went through my mind when he was born his first word when he learnt how to walk when he started to ride a bike without training wheels all of it just shattered like glass I hope he lives if he doesn't then I don't know what to even do. The doctor came in and put my son on a stretcher and went to the ambulance and put him in and hooked him to a blood bag.

Doctor 1:We better hurry he's losing a lot of blood.

Ambulance driver:OK!

I watched as the ambulance left everyone went to their cars and started to drive to the hospital

Time skip brought to you by Nezuko and Anya playing tag with y/n

We arrived to the hospital and went to room 1280(if you get the reference you getting a hug)I saw y/n body cover up in band aids and his eyes or what's left of them covered then the doctor came in

Doctor Xino:Hi are y'all with Y/n?


Doctor Xino:I got good news Y/n will be making a recovery.

Everyone smiled in relief my son is gonna be ok the doctor looked at me and Clara.

Doctor Xino:Are y'all Y/n parent's?


Doctor Xino:Can y'all follow me outside I need to tell y'all something.

We followed the doctor outside of the room.The doctor sighed and looked at us.

Doctor Xino:I don't know how to tell y'all this but Your son is in a coma.

Clara eye's widened

William:A coma?

Doctor Xino:His injuries were to severe he's permanently blind he's lucky to be alive right now I suggest he stays home in bed I will check on him.

My son is in a coma and blind forever! I hope he's gets better....

The end

(Sorry I haven't been posting much school and stuff welp I hope you enjoyed this chapter thanks for y'all wonderful support welp see you in the next chapter .)

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