A Father's sanity:13

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Ever since my youngest son been in a coma I felt like my sanity is fading I better hope he stays alive or I don't know what I will do. I looked at that stupid suit that was covered in his blood I was pissed who ever put my son in that suit will pay! I sigh as I looked at the photo of y/n when he was 3 when he began to start walking


I was holding a camera as Clara was trying to encourage y/n to walk.

Clara:Come on y/n you can do it i believe you!

I chuckled

William:You mean we?

Clara rolled her eyes playfully.

Clara:Are you sure~?

I noticed Y/n was looking at us blowing spit bubbles

William:He still not walking.

Clara:How about we help him you grab one hand and I'll hold his other one.

Me and Clara did and we were helping him to walk.

Clara:Come on my little sunshine I know you can do it.

William:Yeah small fry mommy and daddy believe in you.

As we were talking baby steps we let go of his arms and he was walking by himself I took a photo and Clara recorded it. But Y/n fell on his face and started to cry me and Clara ran to him and Clara picked him up.

Clara:Hey Y/n no need to cry mommy and daddy are proud of you. you did amazing.

Clara smiled at him with a nice smile.

William:No need to cry.

Y/n started to whimper and I have a idea I ran to the basement and I pulled out my guitar and I go back to the living room.

Clara:Your old guitar?

William:Remember that old song we sang at our wedding?

Clara smiled softly knowing the song she sat on the couch next me while rocking y/n gently and I started to play my guitar and we began to sing



After we stopped singing Me and Clara looked at Y/n who was sleeping peacefully in her arm's.

Clara and William:Love you our baby boy.


I smiled softly I just hope y/n survives......

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