Chapter 11:

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Watching the birds from the window of my housefolk's home, I sigh.

I've been here for what, 6 moons? I think to myself, letting out a snort.

I scratch my ear and look down at my collar. It's a beautiful shade of jade green, as my friend, Pine's, who I live with, is pine brown.

He is a lazy lump of fur, but he sure is old. I think to myself, smirking.

"Jade! What are you doing?" Pine called as I turned to see him. Our housefolk were out and about with the small housefolk.

"Looking out into the forest. Hey Pine, can you tell me the stories of you in the forest as a clan cat?" I ask him, since Pine came from the forest.

"I certainly will! Get comfortable." He tells me as I leap down and sit next to him on the soft high ground(couch.)

"Once, I was called Pinesplitter, of SolarClan. I had a mate back then-"

"What are the 4 clans again, Pine?" I interrupt.

"SolarClan, SunClan, EclipseClan, and err. . MoonClan? No, NightClan. Now, as I said, I had a mate. Her name was Burnflame. We had one wonderful kit, Burningkit. The kits had the -kit suffix at the end of it, since they stayed in camp and slept in the Nursery. When we had Burningkit, it was one of the best days of my life. The sun and birds were shining, and the prey, or food, was plentiful, since wild cats hunt for themselves. Though, one day, 3 moons after we had Burningkit, Burnflame got into a border skirmish with SunClan, and it costed her life. . . That's why I became a kittypet, or housepet, so that I never had to see my daughter's face when she died, nor being hungry." I nod slowly as he yawns.

"I'm gonna take a nap, 'Night, Jade!" Pine called as he walked over to his basket.

"Good-night." I whisper, and smirk. I wanna hunt for myself! I wanna become a warrior, like the wild cats! I think to myself, as I slide out the window and into the forest. . . .


It's been a moon since the Gathering, and I can't wait to see if I'm coming to the next one.

Since Twilightsky left, Doveshade was on a border patrol, and found an medicine cat, or former medicine cat of SunClan.

Shiningray, her name is, is tough, though a wonderful medicine cat. Sootpaw is learning well from her.

Sapphirekit, Waterkit, Jaykit, and Stormkit are becoming apprentices today, at moon-high, though right now its only sun-high as I border patrol with Doveshade, Fireflight, and Cloudpaw.

"Now, Cloudpaw, what do you smell?" Fireflight, Cloudpaw's mentor asks her.

"Hmm. I smell. . . Mouse, Thunderpath, and. . ." Cloudpaw answered, as I smelled the air as well. Something wasn't right. There was a stench of. . .

"Kittypet!" I hiss as Doveshade and Fireflight nod in approval.

"Seems like it came this way, and its fresh. Better go check it out, though you shouldn't use your claws on a kittypet. They're really soft hearted and don't learn how to fight and hunt with a mentor like a clan does." Doveshade told us, as Cloudpaw just rolled her eyes.

"Why can't we just practice our moves on the kittypet? I mean, they won't ever fight back!" Cloudpaw complained.

"Because kittypets are cats like us, they just live differently, like rogues and loners." I answer to her as she reluctantly nods, though still grumbles something to herself I can't hear.

"I think you two can handle this kittypet, while Fireflight and I can head back to camp and hunt. Is that okay with you, Fireflight?" Doveshade asks as she shakes her head.

"I actually wouldn't mind if Cloudpaw hunts with us, if that's okay with you, since she really needs to work on her skills." Fireflight told Doveshade, and the deputy nodded in agreement.

"Bye, Phoenixpaw. Be back before moon-high though. I don't think you will want to miss the ceremony." Doveshade calls as she pads into the forest with Fireflight and Cloudpaw. I've heard that Cloudpaw's, Skypaw's, and Darkpaw's warrior ceremony as well.

As I follow the scent of a kittypet, I finally get to see her. The tortoiseshell fur with white, paws, ears, tail tip, and belly with green eyes match her well.

"Wow! This place is huge. Bigger than my housefolk's place!" She says outloud, and I have to keep myself from snorting. The green lace around her neck looks painful. As I jump out of the bushes, she flinches, obviously scared.

"What are you doing in SolarClan territory?" I growl at her.

"Wait. This is SolarClan? The SolarClan!? I've heard a lot about this place-" She tells me, as I interrupt her.

"Who have you heard about SolarClan from?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh, my best friend, Pine, of course! Do you remember him? Oh no, you couldn't have! Its must have been moons ago before he came to my housefolk. I wonder. . Do you know any cat named Burningkit?" She asks me, curiosity in her jade green eyes.

"No, why? You need to leave. Either the easy way, or the hard way." I tell her, but she just keeps talking.

"No, you cats have suffixes like -kit and -paw. Do you remember a cat named Pinesplitter?" She asks me, and I shake my head once more.

"I asked you to leave. Twice now. I'm getting impatient here." I growl as she flinches once more.

"Actually, I would like to join your clan! That would be. .. Amazing! Oh my goodness! I would actually get to hunt, train-" She keeps blabbling, though I ignore it.

"Will you keep your muzzle shut, for once?" I ask, clearly annoyed, as she finally shuts up.

"First off, I'm not the leader. Second off, stay there." I say, as I run back to camp to fetch Burningstar and tell her the news.

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