30: the two sheeps

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"do you want to hear a story?"

he was taken aback, but he just nodded.

"sure." he replied softly.

"okay. once upon a time..." i began,

"there was a white sheep that was just born. unfortunately, he was born at a wrong time.

his family and friends were taken elsewhere by the farmers, and he was left behind because the farmer didn't know the sheep's mom had given birth."

jungwon adjusting his position to listen more, "so he's just all alone?" he asked.

i nodded with a pitiful frown, "yes, he was. and he was alone for a long time. he had to learn how to walk on his own, and when he was finally able to walk, he explored the outside world.

the farm they had was empty, the grass was dry and dead. so he left and traveled somewhere else in hopes of seeing his mom again.

after some time, he arrived to an open plain. the field was so beautiful and he could see the whole world from there. there were trees too.

the sunset was the most beautiful thing to look at from there. he was very happy.

and then, he heard a familiar noise..."

"it's the farmer, isn't it? he came back to get the sheep! is he going to get killed now?" jungwon asked out of the blue.

i just laughed at his comment, "we'll find out." i shrugged.

and so i continued, "the familiar voice sounded like his friends and family when he had just been born. but no, when he turned his head, he saw a small brown and fluffy sheep who was the same size as him.

the sheep was walking around like they were crying out for help, like they were calling for someone. so the white sheep slowly approached the brown sheep.

the brown sheep was a girl, she wasn't crying... those cries were just her attempt of singing."

jungwon laughed, "she must have a terrible singing voice then."

"probably." i chuckled as well. "the brown sheep noticed him and greeted him. she said hello, and he said hello back.

she asked him, "are you alone?"

the white sheep said yes, and she said she was alone too. but not literally.

he explained how he was left behind, abandoned. he said he's been travelling all by himself this whole time.

she felt bad that the white sheep was all alone, while she had a home to go to. so, she came up with an idea.

she said, "let's meet here everyday at the same time so then you don't have to be lonely anymore."

to her luck, he agreed.

and so, that's how their day's went. they would play and play until the sun would set. that's when they'd return to their own homes. the white sheep would go back to his empty barn, and the brown sheep would go to her family.

until one day, the white sheep stopped going to the field. that's because on that same day, he was walking home when there was suddenly another sheep that appeared in front of him. it was a sheep from his family.

that sheep was older, they said that they returned and they came back to take care of him properly.

so that's what happened.

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