Chapter 2: Akira's Sadness

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Ann went upstairs to the LeBlanc attic. She saw Akira slumped on the couch, and Morgana sitting next to him. Morgana looked at Ann, and walked over.
"Morgana, is Akira okay?" Ann asked.
Morgana sighed. "He hasn't said a word. Can you try to talk to him?" Ann nodded, and sat beside Akira.
"Hey, it's been a while, huh?" Ann said, trying to start a conversation. Instead, Akira didn't respond. Ann looked away for a second, then turned back to him.
"Boss told me what happened. I am so sorry you've had to go through something like that. Are you gonna be okay?" Ann said. Akira didn't respond again. Ann looked towards Morgana, who just stared back. Ann reached out and put her hand on top of Akira's. Akira glanced at her, and looked back to the floor. Ann sighed, and sat with Akira for a while. Later that night, Ann was still sitting with Akira. They hadn't said a word for hours.
"Do you mind if I stay here the night?" Ann asked. She hadn't expected a response, but Akira actually spoke.
"...sure. You can stay on the couch." Akira said as he got up and walked to his bed. He sat down, and flopped back onto the bed. He sighed, and shifted over to his pillow. Ann looked at Morgana again. Morgana sat beside Ann on the couch.
"I hope Akira gets better." Morgana said. "This is terrible."
"Yeah, me too." Ann said. "I can't believe this'd happen. Is it because of the Phantom Thieves? There's no way anyone told his parents about it. I should probably get some sleep. Night Mona. Night, Akira." Morgana responded to Ann, but Akira didn't, since he was asleep. Ann turned, and eventually fell asleep.
The next day, when Ann woke up, Akira was already up. He was sitting on the floor beside the bed. Ann got up and walked towards him. She sat down beside him.
"Hey. Are you feeling any better?" Ann asked. Akira didn't say anything. Ann put her hand on Akira's again. Akira looked at Ann. They were making full eye contact. Ann didn't expect an answer, again, but Akira did respond.
"I don't know..." Akira said. "I... feel like this is my fault. Because of the Phantom Thieves..."
"Do you want to talk about this to everyone else?" Ann asked.
Akira looked away. He was silent for a second. He was about to say something when they heard the door open downstairs. Ann got up.
"I'll be right back, Akira." Ann said. "I'm just going to check who that is." Akira nodded, and Ann went downstairs. Ann was surprised to see Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, and Haru sitting at the booths.
"Yo, Ann!" Ryuji said. "Come sit here!" Ann sat beside Ryuji, and Yusuke and Haru were on the opposite side of the booth. Futaba and Makoto were at the counter.
"You look downcast," Yusuke said to Ann. "Is something the matter?" Ann looked up at Yusuke.
"It's... about Akira," Ann said. "He's upstairs." Everyone was surprised.
"Akira's here?" Ryuji asked. "I wanna see him!"
"Wait, Ryuji." Ann said. "There's a reason Akira is here." They all looked as Ann told the story.
"I heard it from Boss," Ann told them. "A few weeks ago, he was working as usual when he got a phone call. He picked up the yellow phone, and Akira's father was on the other line. Akira's father told Boss that... they didn't want Akira anymore." They were shocked. Ann kept telling the story.
"Over the past few weeks, Akira's parents transferred custody of Akira to Boss. Now, Akira lives here. He's upstairs with Mona."
When Ann finished the story, it was completely silent in LeBlanc for a minute. Then, Ryuji stood up.
"Is it okay if I go see him right now?" Ryuji asked. Ann nodded, and spoke.
"We should all go up there. We have to be there for Akira."

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