Chapter 11 - Epilogue

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Ryuji came into LeBlanc with Yusuke and Ann. It had been only yesterday that they had talked with Akira, and yet, there Akira was, helping Sojiro brew coffee.
"Yo, Akira!" Ryuji said. "How's it goin'?"
"Pretty good." Akira said, turning towards them. "Three coffee's?"
"You know it!" Ryuji said. After a minute, Akira had brewed Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke a cup each, along with one for himself.
"This is really good!" Ann exclaimed, after drinking some of the coffee.
"Absolutely exquisite." Yusuke said.
"You like it?" Akira said, grinning. "Brewed by yours truly."
"With my advice, of course." Sojiro said.
"Glad to see you're doing well, Akira." Ann said.
"Thanks to you guys, of course." Akira said. "If you hadn't have checked the Nav, I don't know what I would have done."
"Checked the... what?" Sojiro said, confused.
"Eh, it was no big deal." Ryuji said.
"Okay, I have a question." Akira said. "Besides my shadow, who did you fight in my palace?"
"Cognitive versions of ourselves." Yusuke said. "Alongside a cognitive version of Akechi."
"A cognitive Akechi?" Akira said. "Why was there a cognitive Akechi?"
"I dunno." Ryuji said. "But we kicked his ass!"
"Seriously, what are you kids talking about?" Sojiro said, still confused.
"Phantom Thief stuff." Ryuji said.
"Geez, you all know I don't understand about all of your Phantom Thief business..." Sojiro said. Akira, Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke all started laughing, and Sojiro was left confused about majority of the conversation that had just transpired. Just then, the door opened, and Futaba walked in.
"Morning." Futaba said. "One coffee, please."
"Coming right up." Akira said, brewing a coffee for Futaba. When she took a sip, her eyes widened.
"Holy crap! This is the best coffee I've ever had!" Futaba said.
"You're welcome." Akira said. Futaba looked at him and smiled, then continued to drink the coffee. As she finished the coffee, they looked at each other and smiled again. Sojiro noticed this, and grinned.
"What's got you two so happy God, from all that's happened over the past couple years, you'd think you two were siblings." Sojiro said, pausing for a moment. "Wait, since I took custody of Akira... I guess that means you two are technically siblings now."
"We know." Futaba said. "I came to that realization last night, and let Akira know about it. I also made him promise to be the best older brother someone could ask for!"
"That's why you stayed a bit later last night after we all left?" Ryuji said.
"Yep." Futaba replied.
"Woah, didn't expect such a blunt answer..." Ryuji said.
"Nothing else to it." Akira said. "She told me that we now were siblings, made me promise to be the best, and then left."
"I find that... exceptionally hard to believe." Yusuke said.
"Well, you better believe it, Inari." Futaba said.
"You guys mind continuing your conversation upstairs?" Sojiro asked. "My customers should be coming in soon."
"Of course, Sakura-san." Akira said.
"Geez, no need for honorifics. You call me Sojiro now, got it?" Sojiro said
"Got it, Sojiro" Akira said, grinning.
"Alright, get out of here." Sojiro said. As the group went upstairs, Sojiro looked over at his counter and saw something.
"Hm? The hell is this?" Sojiro said, grabbing the object. It turned out to be a journal.
"A journal, huh?" Sojiro said. He flipped to the final page, and saw what was on it. It was an entry from Akira.
"Journal Log. My friends managed to help me through. I was wrong for pushing them away. I'm very lucky to have friends like this. And I think I'll settle into my new permanent life in Tokyo quite easily."
"Geez..." Sojiro said, tearing up a bit. "Boy, am I glad I took that kid in a year ago." Sojiro took the journal upstairs, set it down, and walked down to the counter. A customer at one of the tables noticed Sojiro was tearing up a bit.
"Everything alright, boss?" The customer asked.
"Yeah. Just living in the moment." Sojiro said. "Never thought I'd be taking in another kid, but damn, am I glad I did." And with that, Akira's new life in Tokyo officially started.

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