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I want you to hold out the palm of your hand
why don't we leave it at that?

nothin' to say
when everything gets in the way
seems you cannot be replaced

"have you talked to them?"

harry bergeming. ia tau jelas siapa mereka yang dimaksud taylor.

"i have nothing to say, tay."

taylor mengerutkan keningnya, "what do you mean with have nothing to say? you always have something to say. you talk about–literally, EVERYthing."

taylor menambahkan penekanan pada kata 'every' karena memang kenyataannya, harry adalah orang yang memiliki satu milyar topik untuk dibicarakan.

"we have our own things now, i do not think they have time to reply my messages or answer my calls. ever."

"have you tried to call?"

harry menggeleng. melihat itu, taylor ikut memutar kedua matanya sembari menggelengkan kepalanya. jengkel.

"how could you not tried to call them but have the thoughts that they–," taylor membelalakan kedua matanya, "for your own sake, mister harold. call them. tell them you are in this grammy nominee, even they already knew this–for surebut it is better if they hear it from you," taylor menjelaskan dengan sabar mengingat orang yang ada di depannya adalah harry edward styles. there is always one little spot where taylor knows that he is not okay. she always knew.

"i miss them," harry menolehkan kepalanya ke arah taylor, "i really do."

taylor menatap dalam kedua mata harry yang kini berkaca. tangannya bergerak mengelus pipi lelaki kelahiran inggris tersebut, "then tell them. let them know that you feel it. because, they feel it too, harold."

"then why do not they be the first to call me?"

taylor tertawa kecil mendengar jawaban harry. jiwa kekanakannya masih melekat erat sampai sekarang.

"you will never know if you do not start the first move, harry babe."

As It Was-hs.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang