The Grand Deception

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Harriet flinched as the strange woman lunged for her, but the stranger didn't attack her. She was hugging her. Harriet tried to squirm out of the hug but the woman's arms were unmoving. On noticing Harriet's discomfort, the blonde stepped back, moving to hold her hands.

"Oh, my sweet daughter, my baby, you've grown up beautifully" the Goddess said.

Harriet smiled half-heartedly to console the confused woman. "I-I'm not... I mean, I think you have the wrong person." Harriet was uncomfortable and that showed on her face.

The Goddess started to rub her hands to sooth her. " I know yo-" The primordial being stopped mid sentence and looked down at Harriet's right hand. "Who did this?!" the Goddess hissed out between clenched teeth. She was staring at the words carved into the back of Harriet's hand. She looked up at Harriet, her face looking murderous. It was that exact moment the elevator opened to Lucifer's penthouse.

Lucifer had poured himself a drink and was heading to play his piano when the elevator dinged. He looked up to see the witch from the hospital wrench herself away from his Mother. Not that he blamed her for wanting to get away, the Goddess looked divine wrath levels of angry. Lucifer immediately set down his tumblr and ran to the elevator. He pulled the witch Harriet away from his furious mom. He then pushed Harriet behind him and backed her further into the room. His Mother followed their retreat, never taking Her eyes off of Harriet.

"Mother," he snapped, "I didn't know this needed specifying, but do not kill my guests. Mother didn't even look at him. She only had eyes for Harriet.

When she registered what Lucifer said, Her vessel turned pale and She looked nauseous. She was silent for a bit, trying to get a handle on the new physical sensations, but when She did speak again, She was very adamant. "No! I would never..." she said. She abruptly cut herself off and then screamed, "Luciel, wait! Come back!" While the two adults were talking, Harriet had backed up to the large balcony, retrieved her Firebolt from her pouch, and flew off into the night sky.

The Goddess ran to the open balcony and looked up to see her daughter disappear into the clouds of the night sky. She returned inside where Lucifer proceeded to ask Her many questions, but She hardly heard them. She just walked straight to the elevator and rode down to street level.

Lucifer knew there was something very wrong with Mother. First, She called the witch from another universe 'Luciel' and now She had seemingly retreated within Her own mind. Lucifer tried to ask Her questions, but She didn't even notice him. He hadn't seen this level of disconnect from Her since Mother and Father's first big fight. Seeing Her like this brought back those initial feelings of concern and trepidation that he experienced the first time he witnessed this when he was a young angel. Therefore, he made the decision to place Her in a nice hotel for the next few days so that she can deal with this away from Charlotte Richard's family.

When he returned to his penthouse, he wanted answers. He prayed to Amenadiel, but his brother didn't respond. Lucifer sighed before trying again with no answer. Desperate, Lucifer prayed to Azrael asking her to come. When she didn't come immediately or even pray back to him. He prayed once more, this time saying only one word: Luciel.

Not even five seconds later the Angel of Death stood in front of him demanding to know where he heard that name. He told her of everything that had just happened between him, the witch, and Mother. Hearing that, Azrael rubbed her hand over her face and went to sit on the couch. When she looked up, Lucifer was offering her a Shirley Temple. She took the drink and sipped it a few times. She then licked her lips before looking confusedly at Lucifer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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