Chapter 1: The Most Hallowed Gifts

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this story. This will include elements from both Lucifer and Harry Potter. The video of the tale of the three brothers from Harry Potter is not necessary to watch if you're familiar with it. Enjoy!


      A storm raged all around the Angel of Death as she sat on the edge of a great canyon. The thunderstorm above and the earthquakes below were all manifestations of the Creator's fury. Even as those effects lessed, the archangel could still feel the number of souls awaiting her to escort them them to their afterlife increasing. However, she just couldn't bring herself to go to work, not just after she felt Father cast Mother into Lucifer's kingdom. It seems His guilt fueled forgiveness towards Mother had finally run out. Azrael looked down towards the newly formed canyon below her. As she examined the gouges in the earth from where her Mother had scrambled to stop her Fall, the young archangel was overwhelmed by her sadness. She ignored the cries of the souls as she took to the skies, but she didn't go home or even to help the dead. Instead, she flattened her wings around her body as she burst through the barriers separating the universes. She didn't care which universe she ended up in as long as it wasn't here with her broken family, guilt ridden Father, and her grieving imprisoned Mother.

        Azrael passed through one universe after another until she stopped crying. She didn't know which of her Parents' universes she ended up in, not that it really mattered. The Angel of Death ended up sitting under a tree beside a deceptively calm river. Even without trying she could sense the many souls the river had claimed in the past. When she acknowledged the high death rate of the area, Azrael couldn't help but be thankful that at least she was only responsible for guiding the souls of her home universe. All other universes operated on reincarnation cycles with the truly despicable souls left in limbo until the Celestial Family returned and passed judgment. Thinking of her family though reminded her of the current situation back home. That abruptly ended the angel's brief break from her anger and sadness and led to her pulling out a teddy bear which had been stored within her cloak pocket. She stared at the toy which now symbolized the catalyst for her Mother and Father's arguments. This was something her, Michael, and a confused but supportive Samael made together. With a strength only the archangels could produce, Azrael tore off the stone she herself collected from the Garden and enchanted. Next, she tore away the cloth Michael made to be the teddy's soft covering. With that gone, the inner light that Lucifer contributed lost its designated shape and shone full force, but Azrael forced the light within the feather the Lightbringer also donated. Her anger somewhat calmed as she ripped apart the symbol of her family's issues, but now she was left with three celestial items. She locked the power she imbued within the stone she had made and threw it into the river before her. That was one problem solved. Though she was at a loss of what to do with the remaining two items until the solution literally walked into her path.

        At twilight the Angel of Death noticed three men approaching the river. She watched as the three men magically created a bridge which grew from the surrounding trees. As they started to cross the bridge, Azrael had an idea of what to do with the remaining items. The archangel stopped the men halfway across the bridge and introduced herself as Death. She acted as if she were surprised at their accomplishment of surviving the river that day. And so, the angel masquerading as Death offered the three wizards one prize each.

        The eldest brother demanded a wand more powerful than any in existence. Knowing that no mortal, even the wizards of this universe, could access the true potential of Samael's feather, Azrael took some wood from a nearby elder tree and fashioned a wand. She then handed the eldest the wand containing her brother's light giving feather. The second brother smugly requested something to recall loved ones from the grave. Azrael shrugged before plucking out of the river below the stone she had previously thrown into the water. Before handing it to him, she partially unlocked and altered the power of the stone so it would temporarily bring forth a shadow of a loved one in the hands of a mortal. Thus, Azrael handed over the stone which once served as a stuffed animal's nose to the second brother. Finally, the youngest one frightfully stepped forward and requested something which would allow him to leave that place without being followed by Death. This request was the easiest for her to fulfill. She quickly refashioned the silvery cloth Michael made into a cloak and handed it over to him. The fabric which once dampened and concealed the light Samael put within the teddy bear would now serve as a cloak of invisibility. Upon giving the final gift, the Angel of Death happily spread her wings and departed for home, happily leaving behind the reminders of exactly why her Parents' relationship fell apart and why her Mother hated humanity.

        Over the centuries a tale developed in that universe about three brothers who were rewarded gifts from Death herself. As time went on and the items passed around from one set of hands to another, the details of the story were muddled and forgotten. Death went from being a young girl to a skeletal man. No one remembered that during the entire exchange Death had a mournful look in her eyes nor did they remember the relief she showed after handing over the final item to the youngest brother. All that was certain was the wand, the stone, and the cloak. Though even then the Wizarding World had no idea that those very items were celestial in nature and that they once we're combined to make a teddy bear by three archangels.

 Though even then the Wizarding World had no idea that those very items were celestial in nature and that they once we're combined to make a teddy bear by three archangels

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