Chapter 12

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Another bullet whizzed by me.

                         "Get her!!!"

Keep going, just don't look back.

" You cant escape from us!! Running is useless, so surrender now!!" a soldier yelled behind me.

"BANG!"  a bullet whizzed by, I shifted my body to the left trying to dodge it.

I felt a sharp pain go across my arm. I cried out in pain, but still had a good grip of the horse.  The bullet had scratched my arm but missed.

 They are going to catch me. I am going to die.

I looked ahead, there was a cliff and we were heading straight for it. I am either going to die by falling to my death, or by being killed by one of these soldiers. Cliff it was.

     Another fire was shot, I went to dodge again and lost my balance. I flipped over but quickly grabbed onto the side of the horse, holding on for dear life.

            "Sir, there's a cliff approaching" warned the one soldier.

"Keep going, we almost have her. She won't jump the cliff, there is no way she's going to make it," said another soldier confidently.

I kept going forward, they tried shooting but the horse and me were running a zig zagged path. I felt like I was going to fall off, my legs and arms were wrapped around the side of the horse as tight as I could.

          "Sir, she's not stopping"

"KEEP GOING" the other soldier yelled frustrated.

The cliff was a few feet ahead.

        "God be with me."  I quietly whispered to myself as I nuzzled my head into the horse, tears streaming down my face, as I was terrified to see me fall to my death.

The horse leaped into the air. I heard the soldiers stopping behind me. I began to feel me and the horse falling. I screamed.


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