Five Four Three Two One

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"Five. Four. Three. Two. One" Peter says with his hands over his eyes, sitting on the stairs and playing his favourite game with his dad. Hide and seek. He sees something behind the curtains as he goes into the lounge room. Thinking it's the person he's playing with he throws the curtains to the side to try and scare his dad. But a broom stick falls where he thought his dad would be. A young Peter goes to his dads office, and sees everything in there smashed up. He looks around and then looks to the door

"Dad?" Peter calls in a questioning tone. But no response

"DAAD" Peter yells to his father and sees him rushing towards Peter. He picks Peter up after looking around and hands him to Mary Parker, Peters mother. They rush out of the house and race over to Peters Aunt and Uncles and talks to them. Peter is looking through the glass door and sees them talking, his mother looks like she's scared. They come back inside and Peter says goodbye to his parents after talking to his dad about staying with his Aunt and Uncle for a little while. Peter wanted to go with his father Richard. But it was too dangerous. They left and Peter starts crying

In the middle of New York, at Oscorp tower Cindy Moon was waiting for her parents to finish up with a meeting in their lab. They were always at work, and Cindy liked it. She thought it was really cool and she got to know what they  were doing with all the animals they brought in. They were trying cross species genetics. She was getting tired though. Everyone at Oscorp knew her and she started walking around. With the occasional 'Hi Cindy' she would always wave back and say hi. Her legs started to get sore and she sat down right outside her idles room. Doctor Kurt Conners. He was the lead scientist with the cross species genetics program they were running. At that moment three men in black suits rushed into his office, saying that a person named Richard Parker had fled and died. Her idle started to cry and she felt sad. When the men left she walked into his office and he saw her

"Hello Cindy. What are you doing here at this hour" Kurt asked concerned

"Mommy and Daddy are still looking at the Lizard DNA" Cindy said in a cute voice with a smile

"Are you okay. I saw you crying" Cindy asked while going to sit on his lap

"I'm alright. I just lost a very old friend that I cared for" Kurt said. At that moment, her parents came rushing in and let out a heavy sigh

"Evening Doctor Conners" Her mother said

"How many times do I have to tell you Nari, it's just Kurt. Just because I'm the lead scientist doesn't mean I need formality" Kurt said with a joking attitude

"Right. Sorry Kurt. Cindy come on, we're leaving now. Time to go home" Her mother said with a smile and holding out her hand

"Okay Mommy. Bye Mr Conners" Cindy said while waving

"Please Cindy. Call me Kurt" Kurt said with a smile


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