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I see Peter walking out of Oscorp and follow him. My shift was over anyway so why not

"Hi" I say to him when I catch up. I was really intrigued by why I always wanted to fuck him, so I did a little bit of research and found out that it's a natural spider instinct. We walk home and talk about what he and doctor Conner's discovered until we get to Peter's door. I see the person who must be his Uncle Ben, sitting out the front

"Hey" Peter says in an awkward tone while fidgeting with his hands

"Hey" Ben says back

"I thought you were uhh- I thou-

"Didn't you forget something" Ben says. the tension starts to get really high outside so I try to think of a way to get out of here. Suddenly, Peter's phone rings and Ben moves

"No don't answer it. But I'm glad to know it still works. YOU OWE YOUR AUNT AN APOLOGY. BIG TIME" Ben yells then turns to me

"Peter will be out in a second" He says. I nod. I wait a couple minutes until it starts to get loud

"YOU WILL NOT DEFEND THIS BOY" Ben yells. I think it's to his aunt


"YOU ARE DEFENDING HIM. Listen to me son, your a lot like your father. And that's a good thing. But your father lived by a principle- And that was all I heard until I heard Peter's uncle yell again

"Oh come on, HOW DARE YOU-

"HOW DARE I. HOW DARE YOU" Peter yells before I see the door open

"Peter come back here, please" Ben begs as Peter shuts the door so hard that the glass breaks. Peter continues to walk of. I follow him with Ben and I go into a grocery store. I bump into Peter walking in and I just hug him. And I stay with him. The man in the store was being a real jackass to us though. Peter walks off and I follow him. The guy behind us throws Peter his milk and runs off with the store owners money. We go out one of the doors while the robber goes out the other. We see the store owner run out and he turns to us

"Hey kid, a little help" He asks Peter

"Not my policy" Peter says and starts walking off. I stop him and tell him off but I'm cut off mid sentence because of a gun shot, and Peter starts heading towards where it was. He sees someone laying on the ground, and I see who it is. I cover my mouth with my hands and Peter runs up to the man

"Uncle Ben?. hey, uncle Ben, uncle Ben hey. CALL AN AMBULANCE. SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE" Peter says desperately. Calling Bens name and applying pressure to the blood wound. Peter goes back to his house after the ambulance arrives with the police. I walk back to mine. I feel nothing. But I feel and hear everything. I can even somehow hear the cops outside my door saying that the man has a star tattoo on his left arm. I go to sleep but feel like shit in the morning


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