Why Do I Wanna Fuck Him

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Cindy was always one for a challenge of science. Always had a smile. Always happy. But right now. She was. Confused. She had no idea what was going on with her. She was sticking to everything. She was able to catch things that would have hit her. But the most confusing thing. Was that she had managed to make webs come out of her own fingertips. She found that out when she accidentally webbed up her parents. She was really confused, but she realised that she was in the genetic spider room. She knew that the only time she had gone in there, was to get Peter out. He had smacked his neck the day before and then she saw a spider fall down his shirt. She then smacked her ankle. She put two and two together and thought that the same thing would have happened to him. She thought to ask him when she got to school. She didn't see him all day though, and so she went to the sports hall and finally found him. He was picking up a paint can that had spilled all over someone's painting. She then looked at one of the teams about to score. But Flash knocked it out of his hand and it went straight at the girls head. But Peter caught the ball. Flash started walking towards Peter and Cindy knew this wouldn't end well

"Give it up Parker" Flash said in a calm tone. He never talked in a calm tone. Peter took a minute to turn around, and when he did, he had a mischievous grin on his face. he started to chuckle

"One sec" he says. He then gives the girl his camera to hold and starts walking to the centre of the court

"Why don't you come take it from me" Peter says while raising his eyebrows

"Come on Flash. Take it" Peter said in a mocking tone. Flash grabbed at the ball. But Peter threw it around himself and placed it in his other hand. Flash goes to grab the ball again, but Peter just throws it behind to his other hand again. Flash stood there for a second. And tried to grab it yet again. But Peter threw the ball around his head, Flash turned around and Petr threw the ball and made it bounce off Flash's back. All Peter could do was smile and laugh. Flash started to walk up to him, but Peter fake threw the ball at Flash. Making him turn for cover. When Flash turned around, Peter put his hand and the ball out for Flash to take

"Just take it" Peter said in a serious tone. After a couple of seconds, Flash was unsure of what to do. So Peter started to move again

"Alright how about this" Peter said while putting his hand over his eyes. Then peeking through as a joke. Flash just stood there. So Peter turned around and didn't look. Flash went to take the ball, but when he went to pick it off of Peter, the ball wouldn't go with him. So Peter turned around to face him as he started to back up. Peter started to dribble the ball and Flash knew what he was gonna do

"Alright, BRING IT PARKER" He yelled. Peter started to run up to him, and barged Flash over. He then jumped and shot the ball into the hoop, sending the whole back board crashing down with him. Cindy ran over to him and looked sad at him


"I need to talk to you after school" I say to him while he gets back up

"Yeah, sure" He says. I go to my next class and then see him going out of the school happy. He sees me and we start talking. We head to this old abandoned warehouse and Peter starts doing tricks on his skateboard. He goes inside the warehouse and looks at his fingers. For some reason, ever since he left yesterday I've wanted him. I keep asking myself. Why do I wanna fuck him. But I can never figure out how. He then turns to me and I see him looking at me. He then goes up to a bar, and he jumps. He starts climbing up the bars and gets to the top of the warehouse. He looks at me and I look back at him

"HEY COME ON I BET YOU CAN DO IT TOO" He yells to me. I get up and start to jump up to him. I make it and he laughs at me

"You think these abilities have something to do with that spider that bit us" He asks me, looking at the chains that are dangling there

"How did yo-

"It's pretty obvious Cin" Oh my god I can feel my wet panties because of that nickname

"Fine, why is this happening" I ask him concerned and scared

"Don't know" He says still looking at the chain

"Well. We should look at this scientifically. What can we do" I ask him

"Can you stick to walls" He asks. I climb down and go under the top metal bar. I put my fingers under the bar. And let go. I just hang there. I climb back up and look at him

"Yep. What else can we do" I ask him

"Our powers seem to be based on the powers of a spider so, can we dodge things" He asks

"Turn around" I ask him. He looks confused but does so anyway. I take a swing at the back of his head but he moves it out of the way

"Guess that's a yes" He does the same thing to me and I dodge it as well

"I can make webs" I say. He looks disappointed and looks down

"Which you can't do can you" I ask. He shakes his head. I laugh. He looks back at the chain and then to me. I realize why he's looking at it

"Oh no. Oh NO NO NO. Don't do it Pete" I tell him with a warning glare. He jumps and catches the chain, he swings from it, letting go and grabs another chain. Swinging from it. I go after him, then he lets out a loud noise



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